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Uncaught Error: react-apollo only supports a query, subscription, or a mutation per HOC

I'm trying to wrap my Chat component with two queries and one mutation using compose.

However, I'm still getting the following error in the console:

Uncaught Error: react-apollo only supports a query, subscription, or a mutation per HOC. [object Object] had 2 queries, 0 subscriptions and 0 mutations. You can use 'compose' to join multiple operation types to a component

Here are my queries and the export statement:

// this query seems to cause the issue
const findConversations = gql`
    query allConversations($customerId: ID!) {
        allConversations(filter: {
          customerId: $customerId
    } {

const createMessage = gql`
    mutation createMessage($text: String!, $conversationId: ID!) {
        createMessage(text: $text, conversationId: $conversationId) {

const allMessages = gql`
    query allMessages($conversationId: ID!) {
        allMessages(filter: {
        conversation: {
        id: $conversationId

export default compose(
  graphql(findConversations, {name: 'findConversationsQuery'}),
  graphql(allMessages, {name: 'allMessagesQuery'}),
  graphql(createMessage, {name : 'createMessageMutation'})

Apparently, the issue is with the findConversations query. If I comment it out, I don't get the error and the component loads properly:

// this works
export default compose(
  // graphql(findConversations, {name: 'findConversationsQuery'}),
  graphql(allMessages, {name: 'allMessagesQuery'}),
  graphql(createMessage, {name : 'createMessageMutation'})

Can anyone tell me what I'm missing?

By the way, I also have a subscription set up on the allMessagesQuery, in case that's relevant:

componentDidMount() {

  this.newMessageSubscription = this.props.allMessagesQuery.subscribeToMore({
    document: gql`
        subscription {
            createMessage(filter: {
            conversation: {
            id: "${this.props.conversationId}"
            }) {
    updateQuery: (previousState, {subscriptionData}) => {
    onError: (err) => console.error(err),

like image 781
nburk Avatar asked Feb 25 '17 14:02


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1 Answers

Your findConversationsQuery is actually two queries. This one:

query allConversations($customerId: ID!) {
    allConversations(filter: {
      customerId: $customerId

And this one:


The entire query needs to be enclosed between a single pair of opening and closing brackets.

I think what you meant to write is:

query allConversations($customerId: ID!) {
    allConversations(filter: { customerId: $customerId }){
like image 149
helfer Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 20:10
