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How do I read console input / stdin in Dart?




How do I read console input from stdin in Dart?

Is there a scanf in Dart?

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Seth Ladd Avatar asked Jun 20 '12 15:06

Seth Ladd

People also ask

How do you read stdin from dart?

In Dart programming language, you can take standard input from the user through the console via the use of . readLineSync() function. To take input from the console you need to import a library, named dart:io from libraries of Dart.

How do you collect darts input?

How to take input in Dart. To take input from a user in Dart, you need to import the dart:io library. The input is taken through the console using the . readLineSync() function.

What is Stdin dart?

Stdin allows both synchronous and asynchronous reads from the standard input stream. Mixing synchronous and asynchronous reads is undefined.

How to read input arguments from console command in Dart?

How to read input arguments from Console Command in Dart? dart:io package provides two classes. stdin.readLineSync () method read the input from the stdin console. It returns an optional String, which can be null and read as a String until Enter key is pressed.

How to read input from the console using stdin console?

stdin.readLineSync () method read the input from the stdin console. It returns an optional String, which can be null and read as a String until Enter key is pressed. Encoding parameter to provide encoding retainNewlines, boolean value to indicate whether string stores End of line character or not. Here is a program to read input from the console.

How to write something to the terminal in Dart?

We can write something to the terminal by making use of the standard out class (stdout) that is available to us in the 'dart:io' library. What is your name? Note − It should be noted that we run a dart file by running the command: dart run <nameofyourdartfile>

How to read a stdin string line asynchronously?

If you want to read a stdin String line asynchronously, avoiding isolate/thread block, this is the way: import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; /// [stdin] as a broadcast [Stream] of lines.

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2 Answers

The readLineSync() method of stdin allows to capture a String from the console:

import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io';  void main() {   print('1 + 1 = ...');   var line = stdin.readLineSync(encoding: utf8);   print(line?.trim() == '2' ? 'Yup!' : 'Nope :('); } 

Old version:

import 'dart:io';  main() {     print('1 + 1 = ...');     var line = stdin.readLineSync(encoding: Encoding.getByName('utf-8'));     print(line.trim() == '2' ? 'Yup!' : 'Nope :('); } 
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Renaud Denis Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 11:09

Renaud Denis

The following should be the most up to date dart code to read input from stdin.

import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:io'; import 'dart:convert';  void main() {   readLine().listen(processLine); }  Stream<String> readLine() => stdin     .transform(utf8.decoder)     .transform(const LineSplitter());  void processLine(String line) {   print(line); } 
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nobody Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 11:09
