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How do I programmatically convert FLV video files to MP4 using a shell script in OS X?

I want to batch convert a directory containing hundreds of FLV files so that each file has a MP4 equivalent. I'm trying to automate this process by writing a shell script and running it from the Terminal. How do I go about doing that? Most of the instructions available are for Linux using ffmpeg but I think OS X doesn't have it. Thanks.

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GeneQ Avatar asked Aug 20 '10 05:08


4 Answers

You can install ffmpeg via Homebrew or MacPorts. The commnd to install ffmpeg with Homebrew is brew install ffmpeg; similarly, the command to install ffmpeg with MacPorts is sudo port install ffmpeg. Once you've installed ffmpeg, here is a simple (and somewhat naive) script for converting the files. You may need to add more flags, depending on your desired options.

#! /bin/bash
function convert_all_to_mp4() {
  for file in *.flv ; do
    local bname=$(basename "$file" .flv)
    local mp4name="$bname.mp4"
    ffmpeg -i "$file" "$mp4name"

Just make whatever file you put the script above in executable (for example, chmod a+x path/to/convert_all_to_mp4.sh) and invoke it by its fully qualified path or add the directory containing it to the PATH environment varaible and invoke the script by the name you gave it.

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Michael Aaron Safyan Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 09:11

Michael Aaron Safyan

Conversion from FLV to MP4 using ffmpeg

Aim: Convert multiple Adobe Flash Video (FLV) files to MP4 using a Bash script.

My Environment: MAC OS X 10.5.8, Terminal v.240.2, Bash v.3.2.17 (This solution should work with most Apple Mac systems).

Language: bash

Description: This script will search for all FLV files in the specified location, iterate through each one, converting them to an equivalent MP4 video and place them in the sub-directory MP4-yymmdd-HHMMSS.   Log files generated during the process are placed in the log directory within this sub-directory.

Download the ffmpeg binary and place in the /usr/local/bin directory.
My code is based on Jan's blog on trick77.com. See "References" for details.
Download my bash script from the "Bash Script" section.

Explanation of my code

  • Copy any MP4 files present
  • Detect the video codec type using ffmpeg -i [file].
  • Cycle through each video and convert according to the type of video codec used.
  • Concatenate all the ffmpeg log files
Only processes videos with the FLV1 and H264 codecs.


convert-flv-to-mp4.sh [folder path]


./convert-flv-to-mp4.sh /Users/Shared/Music

mp4 files in the MP4-yymmdd-HHMMSS subdirectory

convert-flv-to-mp4.log.txt                  - program log
ffmpeg-yyyymmdd-HHMMSS.log.txt - ffmpeg binary log for each file converted
ffmpeg.log.txt                                    - compilation of all the above ffmpeg logs
metadata.csv                                    - metadata for each video file

In my first attempt, I was not able to convert videos with the FLV1 video stream using the -copy ffmpeg option. Instead, I needed to use the following ffmpeg options:

-strict experimental -b:a 64k

This means that the conversion doesn't halt on minor errors and that it uses 64k audio bit rate conversion.

Using the -copy option just remuxes the input video and hence is fast. Otherwise, ffmpeg will transcode the file, which takes considerably longer. This script will determine which option to use.

Key snippet of code:

ls ${inputdir}/*.flv>$inputlist
for i in $(cat $inputlist); do
    case $vtype in
            ffmpeg -report -v info -nostdin -fflags discardcorrupt -i $i -strict experimental -c:v mpeg4 -b:a 64k ${outputdir}/${basename}.mp4 
            ffmpeg -report -v verbose -nostdin -fflags discardcorrupt -i $i -vcodec copy -acodec copy ${outputdir}/${basename}.mp4


inputlist - file containing all the FLV files
vtype    - the video codec type of the input file
i            - the input FLV filename

Example log file:

Example log file

Metadata log file:
Metadata extracted from video using ffmpeg

A complete solution was successfully tested on 73 FLV files downloaded from youtube. It took 8 minutes to transcode 34 files and remux 39 files, on average 11MB in size.

Bash Script:

FFmpeg Binary Download
FFmpeg Official Documentation
How to convert .flv Flash video to .mp4 on the Mac

If you have any FLV files that have a video stream other than FLV1 or H264, e.g. VP6, FLV4, add a comment with a link to your video file and I will update my code to handle it.

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29 revs Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 09:11

29 revs


shopt -s nullglob
shopt -s nocaseglob
for file in *.flv
  ffmpeg -i "$file" "${file%flv}mp4"
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ghostdog74 Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 08:11


you can do it with VLC


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Aaron Saunders Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 08:11

Aaron Saunders