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How do I practice Unix programming in C?




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How can I practice coding in C?

Begin with solving basic level logical questions, and while solving always follow the best approach and best practices. Show activity on this post. A really good way to exercise C is to read (or reread) The C Programming Language (K&R) and to do every exercise at the end of each chapter.

Is C available for Unix?

Unix distinguishes itself from its predecessors as the first portable operating system: almost the entire operating system is written in the C programming language, which allows Unix to operate on numerous platforms.

What is C Unix programming?

A successor to the programming language B, C was originally developed at Bell Labs by Dennis Ritchie between 1972 and 1973 to construct utilities running on Unix. It was applied to re-implementing the kernel of the Unix operating system. During the 1980s, C gradually gained popularity.

Can C be used in Linux?

There's a good reason the Linux kernel is written in C. Finally, C is easy to get started with, especially if you're running Linux. You can already run C code because Linux systems include the GNU C library ( glibc ). To write and build it, all you need to do is install a compiler, open a text editor, and start coding.

Reinvent a lot of the core Unix utilities. Most of these were (and still are) written in C, so they are a good way to start off learning. Depending on your skill, pick harder or easier utilities to copy.

Try writing your own malloc. You'll learn a lot about Unix and a lot of C programming as well.

Google for computer science operating system courses and do the projects there. Many schools have these projects on public websites so you could get everything you need. Here is a link to Purdue's site. Give the shell project a shot; it was difficult, but really educational.

Here are a few stackoverflow postings discussing C/Unix programming books. Their main claim to fame is extensive fan-out to other resources.

Practice some of the idioms (understand the ins and outs of pointers etc) and pick projects that help with that. The third item in the list has an answer (disclaimer, I wrote it) with a bunch of high-level C idioms where an idiomatic C program would differ from Java.

Learning XLib or Win32 GUI programming with C is probably less useful as almost anything is better than C for GUI programming and wrapping a core C engine with another language is generally much easier - unless you're really concerned with speed. As a starting point, concentrate on 'systems' programming applications, which is where you are most likely to get real mileage from C. Learn how the C interface of one of the scripting languages like Tcl or Python works.

Writing some bit-twiddly and pointer heavy code (e.g. picking apart network packets or interpreting a protocol), or server-side items using sockets will take you right into C's core competencies. If you've got some of the WRS books, try making pthreads work (IIRC UNP2 has a big section about pThreads). For a contrast, write something that uses non-blocking I/O. This stuff is C's home turf and you'll get a good working knowledge of C by doing this. Troll through the RFCs for some ideas of network protocols to implement.

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Are you open to book suggestions? Although it is a bit dated (where "a bit" perhaps is a huge understatement), Maurice Bach's "The Design of the Unix Operating System" is a great book. It belongs next to K&R on your bookshelf.

You might try working your way through all the examples in the book Software Tools (Amazon). Much of it is pretty pedestrian (right-justify text, de-tabify, etc.), but it's a great introduction to the Unix philosophy and basic C programming.

This is pretty interesting. As we know that Unix is designed by using the C language, it may not difficult to learn. If you are using the Windows OS, you can use a "Windows services for Unix" application to practice your programs. If you are using Unix, then we can use editors like vi.