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How do I perform secondary sorting in python?



If i have a list of numbers [4,2,5,1,3] I want to sort it first by some function f and then for numbers with the same value of f i want it to be sorted by the magnitude of the number.

This code does not seem to be working.

list5 = sorted(list5) list5 = sorted(list5, key = lambda vertex: degree(vertex))  

Secondary sorting first: list5 is sorted based on magnitude. Primary sorting next: list5 is sorted based on some function of the numbers.

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Vinu K S Avatar asked Apr 24 '13 13:04

Vinu K S

People also ask

How do I sort by second element in Python?

Use the key argument of the sorted() function to sort a list of tuples by the second element, e.g. sorted_list = sorted(list_of_tuples, key=lambda t: t[1]) . The function will return a new list, sorted by the second tuple element.

What is second sorting?

Secondary sorting means sorting to be done on two or more field values of the same or different data types. Additionally we might also have deal with grouping and partitioning. The best and most efficient way to do secondary sorting in Hadoop is by writing our own key class.

How is sorting done in Python?

The easiest way to sort is with the sorted(list) function, which takes a list and returns a new list with those elements in sorted order. The original list is not changed. It's most common to pass a list into the sorted() function, but in fact it can take as input any sort of iterable collection.

2 Answers

Sort it by a (firstkey, secondkey) tuple:

sorted(list5, key=lambda vertex: (degree(vertex), vertex)) 
like image 115
Pavel Anossov Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 00:09

Pavel Anossov

From the Python 3 docs on sorting

from operator import itemgetter, attrgetter student_objects = [     Student('john', 'A', 15),     Student('jane', 'B', 12),     Student('dave', 'B', 10), ] student_tuples = [     ('john', 'A', 15),     ('jane', 'B', 12),     ('dave', 'B', 10), ]  #The operator module functions allow multiple levels of sorting. For example, to sort by grade then by age:  sorted(student_tuples, key=itemgetter(1,2)) sorted(student_objects, key=attrgetter('grade', 'age')) 
like image 26
claudio Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 00:09
