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How do I pass a list from a view to a controller?

I have a view and inside I'm generating a list but I'm not being able to successfully pass it to the controller without the fields being null:

code on my view:

@using (Html.BeginForm("AddFOP", "Revenue", null,  FormMethod.Post, new { enctype = "multipart/form-data" }))
              <table class="grid" style="margin-top: 15px">

                        @for (int i = 0; i < Model.editBillingFOPList.Count;i++ )

                            <td>@Html.TextBox("FOPList[" + @i + "].Fund", 
                            <td>@Html.TextBox("FOPList[" + @i + "].ORGN", 
                            <td>@Html.TextBox("FOPList[" + @i + "].Program", 
                            <td>@Html.TextBox("FOPList[" + @i + "].Percentage", 

this is the controller:

        public ActionResult AddFOP(List<BillingFOPModel> FOPList)

            return View();

my FOPList shows a count of 1 and if I expand it on debug mode it shows the list of the model but with null values - any thoughts?

My Model:

 public class BillingFOPModel
        public string BillingArea;
        public string BillingAreaName;
        public string Fund;
        public string ORGN;
        public string Program;
        public string Percentage;

This my ViewModel:

  public class EditBillingViewModel
        {   //declare attributes

            public List<BillingFOPModel> editBillingFOPList { get; set; }
            public string newBillingArea { get; set; }
            public string newBillingAreaName { get; set; }
            public string newFund { get; set; }
            public string newORGN { get; set; }
            public string newProgram { get; set; }
            public string newPercentage { get; set; }

            public EditBillingViewModel()


            //constructor that passes a list and 2 strings
            public EditBillingViewModel(List<BillingFOPModel> editBillingFOPList, string newBillingArea, string newBillingAreaName)
                this.editBillingFOPList = editBillingFOPList;
                this.newBillingArea = newBillingArea;
                this.newBillingAreaName = newBillingAreaName;
like image 950
idreamgeek Avatar asked Apr 17 '15 14:04


People also ask

How do you pass data from controller view Viewmodel?

The other way of passing the data from Controller to View can be by passing an object of the model class to the View. Erase the code of ViewData and pass the object of model class in return view. Import the binding object of model class at the top of Index View and access the properties by @Model.

Can ViewData pass data from view to controller?

You can use ViewData to pass data from controllers to views and within views, including partial views and layouts.

How do I pass multiple objects from controller view?

Using ViewData Using ViewData, we can pass any object from the controller to the view. The Type Conversion code is required when enumerating in the view. For the preceding example, we need to create ViewData to pass a list of teachers and students from the controller to the view.

2 Answers

You are doing same mistake that new developers of mvc do mostly, your model has fields not properties so thats why you are not getting data posted.

Change fields to properties in your Model class:

public class BillingFOPModel
    public string BillingArea {get; set; }
    public string BillingAreaName { get; set;}
    public string Fund { get; set;}
    public string ORGN { get; set;}
    public string Program {get; set;}
    public string Percentage {get; set;}


Always use strongly typed helpers like TextBoxFor(), DropDownListFor() whenever possible.

like image 53
Ehsan Sajjad Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 10:10

Ehsan Sajjad

Have a look at this: http://www.codeguru.com/csharp/.net/net_asp/mvc/using-display-templates-and-editor-templates-in-asp.net-mvc.htm

Using EditorTemplates means you don't need to have a for loop in your mark up therefore not having to worry so much about setting the correct name and id's on controls.

like image 35
Dhunt Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 10:10
