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How do I ORM additional columns on a join table in sequelize?

I'm using node v9.5, sequelize v4.33 (postgres dialect).

I have two first-class models: Driver (specific people) and Car (generic make+model combinations). Thus far, they've been connected by a many-to-many join table. Now I want to start tracking additional properties on that join table, but am having trouble declaring these relationships so they actually work.

const Driver = sqlz.define('Driver', {
    id: { primaryKey: true, type: DataTypes.UUID },
    name: DataTypes.string

const Car = sqlz.define('Car', {
    id: { primaryKey: true, type: DataTypes.UUID },
    make: DataTypes.string,
    model: DataTypes.string

// old associations; worked great when requirements were simpler
Driver.belongsToMany(Car, {
    through: 'DriverCar',
    as: 'carList',
    foreignKey: 'driverId'

Car.belongsToMany(Driver, {
    through: 'DriverCar',
    as: 'driverList',
    foreignKey: 'carId'

Now I want to begin tracking more information about the relationship between a car and its driver, like the color of that specific car.

Step 1: I update the migration script, adding a new column to the join table like so:

queryInterface.createTable( 'DriverCar', {
    driverId: {
        type: sqlz.UUID,
        allowNull: false,
        primaryKey: true,
        references: {
            model: 'Driver',
            key: 'id'
    carId: {
        type: sqlz.UUID,
        allowNull: false,
        primaryKey: true,
        references: {
            model: 'Car',
            key: 'id'
    createdAt: {
        type: sqlz.DATE,
        allowNull: false
    updatedAt: {
        type: sqlz.DATE,
        allowNull: false

    // new column for join table
    color: {
      type: Sequelize.STRING

Step 2: I define a new sqlz model for DriverCar:

const DriverCar = sqlz.define('DriverCar', {
    color: DataTypes.string

(I assume I only need to define the interesting properties, and that driverId and carId will still be inferred from the associations that will be defined.)

Step 3: I need to update the associations that exist among Driver, Car, and DriverCar.

This is where I'm stuck. I have attempted updating the existing associations, like so:

Driver.belongsToMany(Car, {
    through: DriverCar, // NOTE: no longer a string, but a reference to new DriverCar model
    as: 'carList',
    foreignKey: 'driverId'

Car.belongsToMany(Driver, {
    through: DriverCar, // NOTE: no longer a string, but a reference to new DriverCar model
    as: 'driverList',
    foreignKey: 'carId'

This executes without error, but the new color property is not fetched from the join table when I try driver.getCarList(). (Sqlz is configured to log every SQL statement, and I have verified that no properties from the join table are being requested.)

So, instead, I tried spelling out this relationship more explicitly, by associating Driver to DriverCar, and then Car to DriverCar:

// Driver -> Car
Driver.hasMany(DriverCar, {
    as: 'carList',
    foreignKey: 'driverId'

// Car -> Driver
Car.hasMany(DriverCar, {
    foreignKey: 'carId'

I also tell sqlz that DriverCar won't have a standard row id:


At this point, requesting a Driver's carList (driver.getCarList()) seems to work, because I can see join table props being fetched in SQL. But saving fails:

driverModel.setCarList([ carModel1 ])

UPDATE DriverCar
SET "driverId"='a-uuid',"updatedAt"='2018-02-23 22:01:02.126 +00:00'
WHERE "undefined" in (NULL)

The error:

SequelizeDatabaseError: column "undefined" does not exist

I assume this error is occurring because sqzl doesn't understand the proper way to identify rows in the join table, because I've failed to establish the necessary associations. And frankly, I'm not confident I've done this correctly; I'm new to ORMs, but I was expecting I'd need to specify 4 assocations:

  1. Driver -> DriverCar
  2. DriverCar -> Car
  3. Car -> DriverCar
  4. DriverCar -> Driver

To recap: I have 2 first-class entities, joined in a many-to-many relationship. I'm trying to add data to the relationship, have discovered that the ORM requires defining those associations differently, and am having trouble articulating the new associations.

like image 885
Tom Avatar asked Feb 23 '18 22:02


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How do I associate a table in Sequelize?

The main way to do this is as follows: Team.hasMany(Player); Player.belongsTo(Team); Again, as mentioned, the main way to do it used a pair of Sequelize associations ( hasMany and belongsTo ).

1 Answers

A note about your aliases

Before going to the answer, I would like to point out that your choice of aliases (carList and driverList) could be better, because although the auto-generated sequelize methods .setCarList() and .setDriverList() do make sense, the methods .addCarList(), .addDriverList(), .removeCarList() and .removeDriverList() are nonsense, since they take only a single instance as a parameter, not a list.

For my answer, I won't use any aliases, and let Sequelize default to .setCars(), .setDrivers(), .addCar(), .removeCar(), etc, which make much more sense to me.

Example of working code

I've made a 100% self-contained code to test this. Just copy-paste it and run it (after running npm install sequelize sqlite3):

const Sequelize = require("sequelize");
const sequelize = new Sequelize({ dialect: 'sqlite', storage: 'db.sqlite' });

const Driver = sequelize.define("Driver", {
    name: Sequelize.STRING
const Car = sequelize.define("Car", {
    make: Sequelize.STRING,
    model: Sequelize.STRING
const DriverCar = sequelize.define("DriverCar", {
    color: Sequelize.STRING
Driver.belongsToMany(Car, { through: DriverCar, foreignKey: "driverId" });
Car.belongsToMany(Driver, { through: DriverCar, foreignKey: "carId" });

var car, driver;

sequelize.sync({ force: true })
    .then(() => {
        // Create a driver
        return Driver.create({ name: "name test" });
    .then(created => {
        // Store the driver created above in the 'driver' variable
        driver = created;

        // Create a car
        return Car.create({ make: "make test", model: "model test" });
    .then(created => {
        // Store the car created above in the 'car' variable
        car = created;

        // Now we want to define that car is related to driver.
        // Option 1:
        return car.addDriver(driver, { through: { color: "black" }});

        // Option 2:
        // return driver.setCars([car], { through: { color: "black" }});

        // Option 3:
        // return DriverCar.create({
        //     driverId: driver.id,
        //     carId: car.id,
        //     color: "black"
        // });
    .then(() => {
        // Now we get the things back from the DB.

        // This works:
        return Driver.findAll({ include: [Car] });

        // This also works:
        // return car.getDrivers();

        // This also works:
        // return driver.getCars();
    .then(result => {
        // Log the query result in a readable way
        console.log(JSON.stringify(result.map(x => x.toJSON()), null, 4));

The code above logs as expected (as I would expect, at least):

        "id": 1,
        "name": "name test",
        "createdAt": "2018-03-11T03:04:28.657Z",
        "updatedAt": "2018-03-11T03:04:28.657Z",
        "Cars": [
                "id": 1,
                "make": "make test",
                "model": "model test",
                "createdAt": "2018-03-11T03:04:28.802Z",
                "updatedAt": "2018-03-11T03:04:28.802Z",
                "DriverCar": {
                    "color": "black",
                    "createdAt": "2018-03-11T03:04:28.961Z",
                    "updatedAt": "2018-03-11T03:04:28.961Z",
                    "driverId": 1,
                    "carId": 1

Note that there is no secret. Observe that the extra attribute that you're looking for, color, comes nested in the query result, not in the same nesting level of the Car or Driver. This is the correct behavior of Sequelize.

Make sure you can run this code and get the same result I do. My version of Node is different but I doubt that could be related to anything. Then, compare my code to your code and see if you can figure out what is causing you problems. If you need further help, feel free to ask in a comment :)

A note about many-to-many relationships with extra fields

Since I stumbled myself upon problems with this, and this is related to your situation, I thought I should add a section in my answer alerting you to the "trap" of setting up an overcomplicated many-to-many relationship (it's a lesson that I learned myself after struggling for a while).

Instead of repeating myself, I will just add a brief quote of what I said in Sequelize Issue 9158, and add links for further reading:

Junction tables, the tables that exist in relational databases to represent many-to-many relationships, initially have only two fields (the foreign keys of each table defining the many-to-many relationship). While it's true that it's possible to define extra fields/properties on that table, i.e. extra properties for the association itself (as you put in the issue title), care should be taken here: if it's getting overcomplicated, it's a sign that you should "promote" your junction table to a full-fledged entity.

Further reading:

  • My own self-answered question involving an overcomplicated setup of many-to-many relationships in sequelize: FindAll with includes involving a complicated many-to-(many-to-many) relationship (sequelizejs)
  • And its sibling question: Is it OK to have a many-to-many relationship where one of the tables involved is already a junction table?
like image 142
Pedro A Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09

Pedro A