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How do I merge a git tag onto a branch

People also ask

Do git tags get merged?

Tags are not merged, commits (tagged or not) are.

How do I merge to a specific branch?

To merge branches locally, use git checkout to switch to the branch you want to merge into. This branch is typically the main branch. Next, use git merge and specify the name of the other branch to bring into this branch. This example merges the jeff/feature1 branch into the main branch.

Do git tags apply to all branches?

Yes! The difference between a branch name and a tag name is that a branch name is expected to move, and git will move it automatically in that "on a branch" case.

Can you tag a branch in git?

In order to create a Git tag for the last commit of your current checked out branch, use the “git tag” command with the tag name and specify “HEAD” as the commit to create the tag from. Similarly, if you want your tag to be annotated, you can still use the “-a” and “-m” options to annotate your tag.

You mean this?

git checkout destination_branch
git merge tag_name

Remember before you merge you need to update the tag, it's quite different from branches (git pull origin tag_name won't update your local tags). Thus, you need the following command:

git fetch --tags origin

Then you can perform git merge tag_name to merge the tag onto a branch.

Just complementing the answer.

Merging the last tag on a branch:

git checkout my-branch
git merge $(git describe --tags $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1))

Inspired by https://gist.github.com/rponte/fdc0724dd984088606b0

This is the only comprehensive and reliable way I've found to do this.

Assume you want to merge "tag_1.0" into "mybranch".

    $git checkout tag_1.0 (will create a headless branch)
    $git branch -D tagbranch (make sure this branch doesn't already exist locally)
    $git checkout -b tagbranch
    $git merge -s ours mybranch
    $git commit -am "updated mybranch with tag_1.0"
    $git checkout mybranch
    $git merge tagbranch