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How Do I Measure the Performance of my AngularJS app's digest Cycle?

What is a simple way to measure the duration of the angularjs digest cycle? There exist various methods to analyze the performance of the digest cycle, however each comes with its own pitfals:

  • Chrome Profiler: Too many details, does not break down the digest cycle in an easy-to-find manner
  • Batarang (AngularJS browser plugin): Too much overhead, slow refresh rate, explodes with large apps.

... there must be a better way ?!1?

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Gil Birman Avatar asked Apr 14 '14 17:04

Gil Birman

People also ask

What is AngularJS digest cycle?

Digest cycle is what Angular JS triggers when a value in the model or view is changed. The cycle sets off the watchers which then match the value of model and view to the newest value. Digest cycle automatically runs when the code encounters a directive.

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7 Answers

Here's a secret. In the chrome dev tools, do a cpu profile run. After you have stopped capturing, at the bottom of the screen is a down triangle next to "Heavy (Bottom Up)". Click the triangle and select "Flame Chart". Once you are in Flame Chart mode, you can zoom and pan to see the digest cycles, how long they take, and exactly what functions are being called. The Flame Chart is so incredibly useful for tracking down page load issues, ng-repeat performance problems, digest cycle problems! I really don't know how I was able to debug and profile before the Flame Chart. Here is an example:

Flame Chart in Chrome dev tools

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aet Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 19:10


The following answer will tell you the idle performance of the $digest loop, ie., the performance of digest when none of your watch expressions change. This is helpful if your application seems sluggish even when the view isn't changing. For more complex situations, see aet's answer.

Type the following into the console:

angular.element(document).injector().invoke(function($rootScope) { 
  var a = performance.now(); 

The result will give you the duration of the digest cycle, in milliseconds. The smaller the number, the better.


Domi noted in the comments: angular.element(document) will not yield much if you used the ng-app directive for initialization. In that case, get the ng-app element instead. E.g. by doing angular.element('#ng-app')

You can also try:

angular.element(document.querySelector('[ng-app]')).injector().invoke(function($rootScope) { 
  var a = performance.now(); 
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Gil Birman Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 19:10

Gil Birman

Here is a new tool I found that helps out in digest profiling: Digest-HUD

enter image description here

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VitalyB Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 19:10


You could also use angular-performance

This extension provides realtime monitoring charts of the number of watchers, digest timing and digest rate. You also get the digest timing distribution so that you can make out exceptionally long digest timing from more recursive paterns and all realtime data are linked to events so that you can determine which actions changed the application performances. Finally, you can time services method and count their execution to determine the ones that have the more impact on the running time of your app.

Angular performance screenshot

Disclamer: I am the author of the extension

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Nicolas Joseph Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 17:10

Nicolas Joseph

One handy tool for keeping an eye on the digest cycle can be found via the excellent ng-stats tool by @kentcdodds. It creates a little visual element like so, and can even be implemented via bookmarklet. It can even be used inside of iFrames like jsfiddle.

good digest cycle enter image description here

Little utility to show stats about your page's angular digest/watches. This library currently has a simple script to produce a chart (see below). It also creates a module called angularStats which has a directive called angular-stats which can be used to put angular stats on a specific place on the page that you specify.

Found at https://github.com/kentcdodds/ng-stats

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G.Mart Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 19:10


You can use UX Profiler

  • User Transaction view, i.e. CLICK and all the activity caused by it (other events, XHRs, Timeouts) grouped together.
  • Time measurements (as User feels it) of the entire User Transaction and/or its parts.
  • Combined asynchronous stack trace.
  • Focused Profiler - profile just the problematic event.
  • Angular 1.x integration.

enter image description here

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Konstantin Triger Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 18:10

Konstantin Triger

for strict mode, one running of digest cucle, run it in f12 console in chrome

angular.element(document).injector().invoke(['$rootScope',function($rootScope) { var a = performance.now(); $rootScope.$apply(); return performance.now()-a; }])
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Anatoli Klamer Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 18:10

Anatoli Klamer