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How do I map a n-column primary key with nHibernate

I have a table with 2 columns as PK (composite primary key).

How can I map them to "Id" in hbm.xml?

<id name="A" />  

How can I do it with fluent nhibernate?

like image 608
Elad Benda Avatar asked Dec 02 '22 01:12

Elad Benda

1 Answers

The NHibernate documentation describes how to use and map a composite-id.

You can also use a component as compositeid.

And for Fluent NHibernate:

public class ClassNameMap: ClassMap<ClassName>
    public ClassNameMap()
            .KeyReference(x => x.A, "A")
            .KeyReference(x => x.B, "B");
like image 138
Gerard Avatar answered Dec 05 '22 05:12
