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How do I know if a generator is empty from the start?

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What is a generator expression Python?

A generator expression is an expression that returns a generator object. Basically, a generator function is a function that contains a yield statement and returns a generator object.

How does yield work in Python?

What Is Yield In Python? The Yield keyword in Python is similar to a return statement used for returning values or objects in Python. However, there is a slight difference. The yield statement returns a generator object to the one who calls the function which contains yield, instead of simply returning a value.

Is Python a generator?

Python provides a generator to create your own iterator function. A generator is a special type of function which does not return a single value, instead, it returns an iterator object with a sequence of values. In a generator function, a yield statement is used rather than a return statement.


def peek(iterable):
        first = next(iterable)
    except StopIteration:
        return None
    return first, itertools.chain([first], iterable)


res = peek(mysequence)
if res is None:
    # sequence is empty.  Do stuff.
    first, mysequence = res
    # Do something with first, maybe?
    # Then iterate over the sequence:
    for element in mysequence:
        # etc.

The simple answer to your question: no, there is no simple way. There are a whole lot of work-arounds.

There really shouldn't be a simple way, because of what generators are: a way to output a sequence of values without holding the sequence in memory. So there's no backward traversal.

You could write a has_next function or maybe even slap it on to a generator as a method with a fancy decorator if you wanted to.

A simple way is to use the optional parameter for next() which is used if the generator is exhausted (or empty). For example:

iterable = some_generator()

_exhausted  = object()

if next(iterable, _exhausted) is _exhausted:
    print('generator is empty')

next(generator, None) is not None

Or replace None but whatever value you know it's not in your generator.

Edit: Yes, this will skip 1 item in the generator. Often, however, I check whether a generator is empty only for validation purposes, then don't really use it. Or otherwise I do something like:

def foo(self):
    if next(self.my_generator(), None) is None:
        raise Exception("Not initiated")

    for x in self.my_generator():

That is, this works if your generator comes from a function, as in generator().

The best approach, IMHO, would be to avoid a special test. Most times, use of a generator is the test:

thing_generated = False

# Nothing is lost here. if nothing is generated, 
# the for block is not executed. Often, that's the only check
# you need to do. This can be done in the course of doing
# the work you wanted to do anyway on the generated output.
for thing in my_generator():
    thing_generated = True

If that's not good enough, you can still perform an explicit test. At this point, thing will contain the last value generated. If nothing was generated, it will be undefined - unless you've already defined the variable. You could check the value of thing, but that's a bit unreliable. Instead, just set a flag within the block and check it afterward:

if not thing_generated:
    print "Avast, ye scurvy dog!"

I hate to offer a second solution, especially one that I would not use myself, but, if you absolutely had to do this and to not consume the generator, as in other answers:

def do_something_with_item(item):
    print item

empty_marker = object()

     first_item = my_generator.next()     
except StopIteration:
     print 'The generator was empty'
     first_item = empty_marker

if first_item is not empty_marker:
    for item in my_generator:

Now I really don't like this solution, because I believe that this is not how generators are to be used.

Just fell on this thread and realized that a very simple and easy to read answer was missing:

def is_empty(generator):
    for item in generator:
        return False
    return True

If we are not suppose to consume any item then we need to re-inject the first item into the generator:

def is_empty_no_side_effects(generator):
        item = next(generator)
        def my_generator():
            yield item
            yield from generator
        return my_generator(), False
    except StopIteration:
        return (_ for _ in []), True


>>> g=(i for i in [])
>>> g,empty=is_empty_no_side_effects(g)
>>> empty
>>> g=(i for i in range(10))
>>> g,empty=is_empty_no_side_effects(g)
>>> empty
>>> list(g)
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]