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Pythonic way to find maximum value and its index in a list?



People also ask

How do you find the max value index from a list?

First, we shall use the max() function to find the maximum element from the given list 'my_list' and store it in 'max_item'. Then using the index() function, we shall pass the 'max_item' inside the function. Using my_list. index(), we shall return the index of the maximum element and print that.

How do you find the highest value in a list in Python?

The max() Function — Find the Largest Element of a List. In Python, there is a built-in function max() you can use to find the largest number in a list. To use it, call the max() on a list of numbers. It then returns the greatest number in that list.

How do you find the index of the minimum value in a list Python?

The python has a built-in function of min() which returns the minimum value in the list and index() which returns the index of the element. These two functions can be used to find the index of a minimum element in a single line code.

How do I find Argmax in a list?

Get Index of the Maximum Value of a List With the numpy. argmax() Function in Python. The numpy. argmax() function in the NumPy package gives us the index of the maximum value in the list or array passed as an argument to the function.

I think the accepted answer is great, but why don't you do it explicitly? I feel more people would understand your code, and that is in agreement with PEP 8:

max_value = max(my_list)
max_index = my_list.index(max_value)

This method is also about three times faster than the accepted answer:

import random
from datetime import datetime
import operator

def explicit(l):
    max_val = max(l)
    max_idx = l.index(max_val)
    return max_idx, max_val

def implicit(l):
    max_idx, max_val = max(enumerate(l), key=operator.itemgetter(1))
    return max_idx, max_val

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from timeit import Timer
    t = Timer("explicit(l)", "from __main__ import explicit, implicit; "
          "import random; import operator;"
          "l = [random.random() for _ in xrange(100)]")
    print "Explicit: %.2f usec/pass" % (1000000 * t.timeit(number=100000)/100000)

    t = Timer("implicit(l)", "from __main__ import explicit, implicit; "
          "import random; import operator;"
          "l = [random.random() for _ in xrange(100)]")
    print "Implicit: %.2f usec/pass" % (1000000 * t.timeit(number=100000)/100000)

Results as they run in my computer:

Explicit: 8.07 usec/pass
Implicit: 22.86 usec/pass

Other set:

Explicit: 6.80 usec/pass
Implicit: 19.01 usec/pass

There are many options, for example:

import operator
index, value = max(enumerate(my_list), key=operator.itemgetter(1))

This answer is 33 times faster than @Escualo assuming that the list is very large, and assuming that it's already an np.array(). I had to turn down the number of test runs because the test is looking at 10000000 elements not just 100.

import random
from datetime import datetime
import operator
import numpy as np

def explicit(l):
    max_val = max(l)
    max_idx = l.index(max_val)
    return max_idx, max_val

def implicit(l):
    max_idx, max_val = max(enumerate(l), key=operator.itemgetter(1))
    return max_idx, max_val

def npmax(l):
    max_idx = np.argmax(l)
    max_val = l[max_idx]
    return (max_idx, max_val)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from timeit import Timer

t = Timer("npmax(l)", "from __main__ import explicit, implicit, npmax; "
      "import random; import operator; import numpy as np;"
      "l = np.array([random.random() for _ in xrange(10000000)])")
print "Npmax: %.2f msec/pass" % (1000  * t.timeit(number=10)/10 )

t = Timer("explicit(l)", "from __main__ import explicit, implicit; "
      "import random; import operator;"
      "l = [random.random() for _ in xrange(10000000)]")
print "Explicit: %.2f msec/pass" % (1000  * t.timeit(number=10)/10 )

t = Timer("implicit(l)", "from __main__ import explicit, implicit; "
      "import random; import operator;"
      "l = [random.random() for _ in xrange(10000000)]")
print "Implicit: %.2f msec/pass" % (1000  * t.timeit(number=10)/10 )

Results on my computer:

Npmax: 8.78 msec/pass
Explicit: 290.01 msec/pass
Implicit: 790.27 msec/pass

With Python's built-in library, it's pretty easy:

a = [2, 9, -10, 5, 18, 9] 
max(xrange(len(a)), key = lambda x: a[x])

This tells max to find the largest number in the list [0, 1, 2, ..., len(a)], using the custom function lambda x: a[x], which says that 0 is actually 2, 1 is actually 9, etc.