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How do I keep a selected LI visible (not hidden)?

I'm using jQuery 1.12. I have a styled UL with LI elements. I use the below code to select these elements using the up or down arrows on the keyboard when the DIV has focus ...

 $(".select").bind('keydown', function(event) {
    var currentElement = $(this).find(".select-options li.selected");
    if (currentElement.length == 0) {
        currentElement = $(this).find(".select-options li")[0];
    }       // if
    var nextElement;
    // case up
    case 38:
        nextElement = $(this).find(".select-options li")[($(this).find(".select-options li").index(currentElement) - 1) % $(this).find(".select-options li").length];
    case 40:
        nextElement = $(this).find(".select-options li")[($(this).find(".select-options li").index(currentElement) + 1) % $(this).find(".select-options li").length];
    $(this).find(".select-options li").removeClass("selected");
    if(nextElement !== null) {

The problem is, if you continually click the down key (for example), eventually you won't be able to see the selected item. How do I adjust things so that the selected item is always visible? The Fiddle illustrating the problem is here -- http://jsfiddle.net/sge8g5qu/1/ .

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Dave Avatar asked Jan 03 '17 14:01


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2 Answers

At the end where you add the class to the nextElement call .scrollIntoView( false ) on it as well.

if(nextElement !== null) {
    nextElement.scrollIntoView(false); // added this line

Updated fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/gaby/6fjnnu55/

like image 50
Gabriele Petrioli Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 15:10

Gabriele Petrioli

You can use, .offset() to find the top offset of your select box and of the the selected element.

You can then use .scrollTop to set it, try something like:

var yourSelectInput = $('.select');

var nextElementTop = $(nextElement).offset().top;  // get offset of element
var selectTop = yourSelectInput.offset().top;  // get offset of select input

// set the scrollTop to the scroll input offset
// plus the difference of the option top offset
yourSelectInput.scrollTop(yourSelectInput.scrollTop() + (nextElementTop - selectTop));
like image 26
Pineda Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 15:10
