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How do I increase the Command Timeout in OrmLite ServiceStack?

I am using ServiceStack OrmLite SqlServer v3.9.71 and have the following connection string:

<add key="ConnStr" value="Data Source=my-db;Initial Catalog=Users;Integrated Security=SSPI;Connection Timeout=666"/>

and am using the following to run a query which takes 2-3 minutes to come back:

using (Db)
    var result = new ResultDto();

       () => { result.StatOne = Db.Dictionary<DateTime, int>(query1); },
       () => { result.StatTwo = Db.Dictionary<DateTime, int>(query2); }

    return result;

When putting a break point on the Db object, I can see the connection time out to be 666 but I can't figure out how to set/increase the Command Timeout every time I run the above it times out after 30 seconds which is the default timeout.

Any ideas?

like image 546
MaYaN Avatar asked Sep 18 '14 09:09


People also ask

Can I set command timeout in connection string?

You can use the connection string setting and construct the entire connectionstring (inlcuding username and password) to override the connection timeout (Connection Timeout=30). You can change the command timeout using /GlobalSettings/System/Database/CommandTimeout - default is 30.

What is command timeout in C#?

Gets or sets the wait time (in seconds) before terminating the attempt to execute a command and generating an error. The default is 30 seconds. C# Copy.

1 Answers

The timeout can be set in OrmLite with OrmLiteConfig.CommandTimeout that as a global config can either be statically configured either once on StartUp:

OrmLiteConfig.CommandTimeout = 666;

Or you can instead set the CommandTimeout scoped to a specific db connection with:

using (var db = DbFactory.Open())
like image 128
mythz Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 14:09
