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How do I implement login in a RESTful web service?

I am building a web application with a services layer. The services layer is going to be built using a RESTful design. The thinking is that some time in the future we may build other applications (iPhone, Android, etc.) that use the same services layer as the web application. My question is this - how do I implement login? I think I am having trouble moving from a more traditional verb based design to a resource based design. If I was building this with SOAP I would probably have a method called Login. In REST I should have a resource. I am having difficulty understanding how I should construct my URI for a login. Should it be something like this:


EDIT: The front end web application uses the traditional ASP.NET framework for authentication. However at some point in the authentication process I need to validate the supplied credentials. In a traditional web application I would do a database lookup. But in this scenario I am calling a service instead of doing a database lookup. So I need something in the service that will validate the supplied credentials. And in addition to validating the supplied credentials I probably also need some sort of information about the user after they have successfully authenticated - things like their full name, their ID, etc. I hope this makes the question clearer.

Or am I not thinking about this the right way? I feel like I am having difficulty describing my question correctly.


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Corey Burnett Avatar asked Jan 05 '11 19:01

Corey Burnett

People also ask

How do I pass login details in REST API?

The client must create a POST call and pass the user name, password, and authString in the Request headers using the /x-www-form-urlencoded content type. The AR System server then performs the normal authentication mechanisms to validate the credentials.

How do you authenticate REST Web services?

Use of basic authentication is specified as follows: The string "Basic " is added to the Authorization header of the request. The username and password are combined into a string with the format "username:password", which is then base64 encoded and added to the Authorization header of the request.

2 Answers

As S.Lott pointed out already, we have a two folded things here: Login and authentication

Authentication is out-of-scope here, as this is widely discussed and there is common agreement. However, what do we actually need for a client successfully authenticate itself against a RESTful web service? Right, some kind of token, let's call it access-token.

Client) So, all I need is an access-token, but how to get such RESTfully?
Server) Why not simply creating it?
Client) How comes?
Server) For me an access-token is nothing else than a resource. Thus, I'll create one for you in exchange for your username and password.

Thus, the server could offer the resource URL "/accesstokens", for POSTing the username and password to, returning the link to the newly created resource "/accesstokens/{accesstoken}". Alternatively, you return a document containing the access-token and a href with the resource's link:

 <access-token   id="{access token id goes here; e.g. GUID}"   href="/accesstokens/{id}" /> 

Most probably, you don't actually create the access-token as a subresource and thus, won't include its href in the response.
However, if you do so, the client could generate the link on its behalf or not? No!
Remember, truly RESTful web services link resources together in a way that the client can navigate itself without the need for generating any resource links.

The final question you probably have is if you should POST the username and password as a HTML form or as a document, e.g. XML or JSON - it depends... :-)

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Patrick Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10


You don't "login". You "authenticate". World of difference.

You have lots of authentication alternatives.

HTTP Basic, Digest, NTLM and AWS S3 Authentication

  • HTTP Basic and Digest authentication. This uses the HTTP_AUTHORIZATION header. This is very nice, very simple. But can lead to a lot of traffic.

  • Username/Signature authentication. Sometimes called "ID and KEY" authentication. This can use a query string.


    This is what places like Amazon use. The username is the "id". The "key" is a digest, similar to the one used for HTTP Digest authentication. Both sides have to agree on the digest to proceed.

  • Some kind of cookie-based authentication. OpenAM, for example, can be configured as an agent to authenticate and provide a cookie that your RESTful web server can then use. The client would authenticate first, and then provide the cookie with each RESTful request.

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S.Lott Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10
