I've got a big project written in PHP and Javascript. The problem is that it's become so big and unmaintainable that changing some little portion of the code will upset and probably break a whole lot of other portions.
I'm really bad at testing my own code (as a matter of fact, others point this out daily), which makes it even more difficult to maintain the project.
The project itself isn't that complicated or complex, it's more the way it's built that makes it complex: we don't have predefined rules or lists to follow when doing our testing. This often results in lots of bugs and unhappy customers.
We started discussing this at the office and came up with the idea of starting to use test driven development instead of the develop like hell and maybe test later (which almost always ends up being fix bugs all the time).
After that background, the things I need help with are the following:
How to implement a test
framework into an already existing
project? (3 years in the
making and counting)
What kind of frameworks are there
for testing? I figure I'll need one
framework for Javascript and
one for PHP.
Whats the best approach for testing
the graphical user interface?
I've never used Unit Testing before so this is really uncharted territory for me.
Edit: I've just had a quick look through the first chapter of "The Art of Unit Testing" which is also available as a free PDF at the book's website. It'll give you a good overview of what you are trying to do with a unit test.
I'm assuming you're going to use an xUnit type framework. Some initial high-level thoughts are:
Edit: make sure that everyone is is agreement as to what constitutes a good unit test. I'd suggest using the above overview chapter as a good starting point and if needed take it from there. Imagine having people run off enthusiastically to create lots of unit tests while having a different understanding of what a "good" unit test. It'd be terrible for you to out in the future that 25% of your unit tests aren't useful, repeatable, reliable, etc., etc..
- add tests to cover small chunks of code at a time. That is, don't create a single, monolithic task to add tests for the existing code base.
- modify any existing processes to make sure new tests are added for any new code written. Make it a part of the review process of the code that unit tests must be provided for the new functionality.
- extend any existing bugfix processes to make sure that new tests are created to show presence and prove the absence of the bug. N.B. Don't forget to rollback your candidate fix to introduce the bug again to verify that it is only that single patch that has corrected the problem and it is not being fixed by a combination of factors.
Edit: as you start to build up the number of your tests, start running them as nightly regression tests to check nothing has been broken by new functionality.
- make a successful run of all existing tests and entry criterion for the review process of a candidate bugfix.
Edit: start keeping a catalogue of test types, i.e. test code fragments, to make the creation of new tests easier. No sense in reinventing the wheel all the time. The unit test(s) written to test opening a file in one part of the code base is/are going to be similar to the unit test(s) written to test code that opens a different file in a different part of the code base. Catalogue these to make them easy to find.
Edit: where you are only modifying a couple of methods for an existing class, create a test suite to hold the complete set of tests for the class. Then only add the individual tests for the methods you are modifying to this test suite. This uses xUnit termonology as I'm now assuming you'll be using an xUnit framework like PHPUnit.
- use a standard convention for the naming of your test suites and tests, e.g. testSuite_classA which will then contain individual tests like test__test_function. For example, test_fopen_bad_name and test_fopen_bad_perms, etc. This helps minimise the noise when moving around the code base and looking at other people's tests. It also has then benefit of helping people when they come to name their tests in the first place by freeing up their mind to work on the more interesting stuff like the tests themselves.
Edit: i wouldn't use TDD at this stage. By definition, TDD will need all tests present before the changes are in place so you will have failing tests all over the place as you add new testSuites to cover classes that you are working on. Instead add the new testSuite and then add the individual tests as required so you don't get a lot of noise occurring in your test results for failing tests. And, as Yishai points out, adding the task of learning TDD at this point in time will really slow you down. Put learning TDD as a task to be done when you have some spare time. It's not that difficult.
- as a corollary of this you'll need a tool to keep track of the those existing classes where the testSuite exists but where tests have not yet been written to cover the other member functions in the class. This way you can keep track of where your test coverage has holes. I'm talking at a high level here where you can generate a list of classes and specific member functions where no tests currently exist. A standard naming convention for the tests and testSuites will greatly help you here.
I'll add more points as I think of them.
You should get yourself a copy Working Effectively with Legacy Code. This will give you good guidance in how to introduce tests into code that is not written to be tested.
TDD is great, but you do need to start with just putting existing code under test to make sure that changes you make don't change existing required behavior while introducing changes.
However, introducing TDD now will slow you down a lot before you get back going, because retrofitting tests, even only in the area you are changing, is going to get complicated before it gets simple.