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How do I have multiple versions of my doc with sphinx?

Like the documentation of python or django, how do I have multiple versions of my doc with sphinx ?

I saved my doc on git, and I want my user to be able to see documentation for different version like v2.7,v3.4, etc

Thank you for the help

like image 884
Guillaume Vincent Avatar asked Mar 04 '15 08:03

Guillaume Vincent

People also ask

What is Sphinx read the docs?

Sphinx is a powerful documentation generator that has many great features for writing technical documentation including: Generate web pages, printable PDFs, documents for e-readers (ePub), and more all from the same sources. You can use reStructuredText or Markdown to write documentation.

What is Readthedocs io?

Read the Docs is an open-sourced free software documentation hosting platform. It generates documentation written with the Sphinx documentation generator. The site was created in 2010 by Eric Holscher, Bobby Grace, and Charles Leifer. Read the Docs.

1 Answers

You could just use Read The Docs to host your documentation for you. They automatically handle multiple versions with a dropdown: https://docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html

If you'd like to host your own documentation on GitHub Pages or some other web server, I made a Sphinx extension that does what you're looking for: https://github.com/sphinx-contrib/sphinxcontrib-versioning

like image 174
Robpol86 Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 16:09
