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How do I get rid of the dots!

I was coding on a project in VS2008 and I tried to hit CTR + R +E to encapsulate a field as a property(feature of resharper) and I fummble fingered, now I have dots everywhere I have spaces and I cant figure out how to get rid of it. e.g.




The dots are centered but its very close to that. I have been serching the tools->options->Text Editor for a toggle to turn it off but I am at a lost.

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Aaron Avatar asked Apr 23 '09 23:04


2 Answers

Ctrl+R, Ctrl+W or

Edit –> Advanced –> View White Space

like image 69
Daniel A. White Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 16:11

Daniel A. White

Personally, I like visible white space a lot, but only if it's changed from the strong green to a mild gray. See What are your most-recommended Visual Studio preferences?

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Jay Bazuzi Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 15:11

Jay Bazuzi