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How do I get notifications on new GitHub issues?



Right now, I miss quite some issues for my project hosted on GitHub. I am looking for a way which tells me of new issues. E-Mail would be fine, but those are only sent if I participated in a specific issue. IRC is also an option.

For both email and IRC, google spit out nothing helpful. Is this really not possible?

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Drachenkatze Avatar asked Feb 08 '12 00:02


People also ask

How do I send notifications on GitHub?

On GitHub.com, navigate to the main page of the repository. Under your repository name, click Settings. In the "Integrations" section of the sidebar, click Email notifications. Type up to two email addresses, separated by whitespace, where you'd like notifications to be sent.

How do I get GitHub notifications on my desktop?

### Notifications permission If you want to receive desktop notifications, you can enable them on extension options page. You will then be asked for the notifications permission.

Why am I not receiving emails from GitHub?

Click the Account Settings icon on the top right. Click the Notifications center category in the left column. Make sure BOTH the "Email" AND "Web" options are checked. Make sure the correct email address set to receive notifications.

How do I subscribe to GitHub notifications?

Customizing notifications and subscriptions You can choose to view your notifications through the notifications inbox at https://github.com/notifications and in the GitHub Mobile app, through your email, or some combination of these options.

2 Answers

Actually, this one was a bit tricky. I didn't realize that notifications work slightly different with organizations. Sorry, I really forgot about this question and I can't tell you exactly how to configure it as this was a while ago - but if you stumble over this, and you are trying to get notifications for issues that are in organization projects, you should read this:


whose key point is (a quote from Github support):

Users in the Owners group don’t receive notifications. You need to create a normal team and add yourself to it to get notifications for that team’s repos.

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Drachenkatze Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 09:09


I know I'm late to this topic, but I've created a Chrome extension which allows you to receive notifications from GitHub repositories you can specify so you will not miss issues again.

Whenever an issue is opened on the repository(s) you've selected, a notification will be sent to you. Similarly, whenever someone creates a pull request, it will notify you as well.


  1. Install the Chrome extension here

  2. Click on the installed Chrome Extension on the top right of Chrome and fill in your Git username

  3. Enable permissions on your GitHub here

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Stacy Goh Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 09:09

Stacy Goh