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How to get notified when someone pushes into a GitHub branch?

We're are using GitHub Enterprise in our company. We have a “develop” branch where every programmer must push their work. Is there a way to get notified when someone pushes into the develop branch along with a link to a diff view, like the one you get for a pull request?

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Andreas Köberle Avatar asked Dec 03 '11 21:12

Andreas Köberle

People also ask

How do I get notifications from GitHub?

In the left sidebar, under the list of repositories, use the "Manage notifications" drop-down to click Notification settings. On the notifications settings page, choose how you receive notifications when: There are updates in repositories or team discussions you're watching or in a conversation you're participating in.

Does GitHub notify users?

There are no ways to do it because GitHub delivers only two kinds of notifications: Participating: Someone mentions you or a team you're a member of. You are assigned to an issue or pull request.

How do I get GitHub notifications on my desktop?

### Notifications permission If you want to receive desktop notifications, you can enable them on extension options page. You will then be asked for the notifications permission.

Can members push to GitHub?

You get one or the other, not both. If they are collaborators, there is no approval process for them to push commits. If they are not, then you have an approval process.

2 Answers

Not quite - but close enough. (You'll get notified for every commit, not push.)

For GitHub Enterprise as of mid 2014:

  1. Go into your repository's Settings
  2. Open the "Webhooks and Services" tab
  3. Click "Add Service" button
  4. Select "Email" from the long list of services
  5. Put in an e-mail address. This can be an e-mail address that forwards to multiple e-mail addresses, or just your own if only one person/account needs e-mail notifications.
  6. Check "Send From Author" (probably) and "Active" (definitely).

For older versions of GitHub Enterprise:

  1. Go into your repository's Settings
  2. Open the "Service Hooks" tab
  3. Select "Email" from the long list of services
  4. Put in an e-mail address. This can be an e-mail address that forwards to multiple e-mail addresses, or just your own if only one person/account needs e-mail notifications.
  5. Check "Send From Author" (probably) and "Active" (definitely).


Update GitHub plans on shutting down GitHub services before the end of the year. Refer

like image 58
Ry- Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 03:09


How about using IFTT or Zapier

like image 40
AhmadAssaf Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 03:09
