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How do I get Nightwatch to show Chai assertions in the reporter?

I'm using Nightwatch JS v0.9.16 to run selenium / chai tests on my localhost. All the assertions work for nightwatch, but I can't get the chai assertion to show in the reporter.

This issue has been discussed here: https://github.com/nightwatchjs/nightwatch/issues/601 however it's been closed but there was no resolution... can anyone get this to work yet?

Here's my test:

var assert = require('chai').assert;

module.exports = {
  'pressing the "Servers" tab should change the URL to #servers' : function (client) {
    const pages = client.page,
          home_page = pages.home(),
          servers_page = pages.servers();

        var currentUrl = response.value.replace(client.launch_url,"");
        console.log("url is ",response.value);

        //***CHAI ASSERTION doesn't get shown on reporter:***



Screenshot of when this test passes shows all the assertions except the chai one:

chai test passed

And when it fails it shows AssertionError: Unspecified AssertionError:

chai test failure

Here's my test settings (nightwatch.json)

  "src_folders" : ["tests"],
  "output_folder" : "reports",
  "custom_commands_path" : "",
  "custom_assertions_path" : "",
  "page_objects_path" : "./config/pages/",
  "globals_path" : "./config/globals.js",

  "selenium" : {
    "start_process" : false,
    "server_path" : "./libs/selenium-server-standalone-2-53-1.jar",
    "log_path" : "./logs/",
    "port" : 4444

  "test_settings" : {
    "default" : {
      "launch_url" : "http://localhost:8081",
      "selenium_port"  : 9515,
      "selenium_host"  : "localhost",
      "default_path_prefix" : "",
      "screenshots" : {
        "enabled" : true,
        "path" : "./screens/",
        "on_failure": true
      "desiredCapabilities": {
        "browserName": "chrome",
        "chromeOptions" : {
          "args" : ["--no-sandbox"]
        "acceptSslCerts": true


"selenium-webdriver": "^3.0.1",
"nightwatch": "^0.9.8",
"chromedriver": "^2.25.2",
"chai": "latest"
like image 862
Katie Avatar asked Dec 08 '17 19:12


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End-to-End Automation Nightwatch. js is an integrated, easy to use End-to-End testing solution for web applications and websites, written in Node. js. It uses the W3C WebDriver API to drive browsers and perform commands and assertions on DOM elements.

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1 Answers

According to the doc, assert() takes a message as 2nd arg (http://www.chaijs.com/api/assert/), did you try it out? If so, was the message displayed?

Alternatively, have you tried with simpler tests (one failing, one not) for example: assert.isOk(false) & assert.isOk(true)?

Last, did you try running your chai assertion outside of client.url() 's callback?

I am not familiar with Nightwatch, but that's what I would have tried.

like image 141
Nicolas S. Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 21:11

Nicolas S.