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Mocha chai request and express-session

When using two nested chai requests, session get lost.

    .send({_email: '[email protected]', _password: 'testtest'})
    .end(function(err, res){
        .end(function(err2, res2){
            //here i should get the session, but its empty

And i'm pretty sure that it's an error in my mocha test, because i tried it (the login and then retrieving the session) outside the test and the session is being setted.

like image 735
JVilla Avatar asked Sep 23 '16 13:09


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How to make HTTP requests using Mocha and Chai in express?

To install the dependencies, you can fire the following command: Mocha and chai are very famous Unit Testing Frameworks for automated testing. We will be using chai-http module to make HTTP Requests. Create a file test.js in the test folder of your express application folder:

What is Mocha and Chai?

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What is Mocha assertion library?

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Why should I use Mocha for testing?

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1 Answers

express itself does not have any native session support. I guess you are using some session middleware such as https://github.com/expressjs/session.

Meanwhile, I guess you are using chai-http plugin to send HTTP request. In chai-http, in order to retain cookies between different HTTP requests (so that req.session can be available in express side), you need to use chai.request.agent rather than chai.

Here is a simple example for your code:

var agent = chai.request.agent(app);
     .send({_email: '[email protected]', _password: 'testtest'})
                      // should get status 200, which indicates req.session existence.

For chai.request.agent, you can refer to http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-http/#retaining-cookies-with-each-request

like image 184
shaochuancs Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 17:10
