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How do I get MSBuild Task to generate XML Documents when building a solution?

I have a solution with lots of projects. Each project is configured to generate the XML documentation file when building in Debug-Mode (which is default). That works when I build in Visual Studio 2008. In my build script on my integration server I advise MSBuild to build the whole solution, but it won't generate the documentation files. What can I do?

I already tried to explicitly give the Debug-Condition to the build process, but it makes no difference.

<Target Name="BuilSolution">
     <MSBuild Projects="C:\Path\To\MySolution.sln" targets="Build" Properties="SolutionConfigurationPlatforms='Debug|Any CPU'"/>

There seem to be some ideas to solve this problem when building single projects, but I can't afford to do this, so I need a hint for doing it this way.

Thanks in advance!

like image 835
toba303 Avatar asked Apr 14 '10 17:04


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1 Answers

In VS 2010, you can either do this in C# project properties, or you can define a DocumentationFile property in your .csproj file. For example:


The MSBuild code in $(MSBuildToolsPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets will condition on that property being defined - if it is, your XML Comments file will be created.

like image 172
crimbo Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09
