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How do I get Actions on Google to speak using Google Home's normal voice?

I'm building an app using Actions on Google using API.AI that allows users to speak to my app through Google Home. API.AI allows me to choose between two male and two female voices, however, all four of these voices are not the normal Google Home voices.

Is there any way to get Google Home to keep its normal voice rather than these four robotic alternatives? It's strange that Google Home suddenly switches voices.

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Dan Leveille Avatar asked Jan 06 '17 08:01

Dan Leveille

People also ask

Is Google Assistant and Google home the same?

Google Home is a mobile app for controlling smart home devices that work with Google Assistant. It works a lot like the Apple Home app or the Amazon Alexa app. Google Assistant is voice control software like Amazon Alexa and Siri.

1 Answers

There is no way to use the "default" voice, and the change in voices as well as the starting and ending chirp are both a security and a UI design principle.

The change in voice lets the user know they are no longer talking to the Assistant, but are talking to another entity (your Action). This is a rough parallel to a GUI that makes it clear you're running a user program and not one of the system programs. It also cues you that the usual system commands (adjusting volume, for example) won't work.

Take the opportunity to use the voice options to help set the environment for your Action and the tone that you'll be using to talk to the user.

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Prisoner Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 03:10
