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How do I get a list of all functions inside a controller in cakephp

I needed to select a controller in CakePHP 2.4 and display all the functions written in it. I found how to list controllers from this question & answer thread on Stack Overflow but what I need now is given a specific controller I need to get the list of all functions it contains.

Here what i have done

public function getControllerList() {

   $controllerClasses = App::objects('controller');
   foreach($controllerClasses as $controller) { 

      $actions = get_class_methods($controller);
      echo '<br/>';echo '<br/>';


pr($controllerClasses); gives me list of controllers as follows

    [0] => AppController
    [1] => BoardsController
    [2] => TeamsController
    [3] => TypesController
    [4] => UsersController

however pr($actions); nothing... :(

here you go the final working snippet the way i needed


public function getControllerList() {

        $controllerClasses = App::objects('controller');
        foreach ($controllerClasses as $controller) {
            if ($controller != 'AppController') {
                // Load the controller
                App::import('Controller', str_replace('Controller', '', $controller));
                // Load its methods / actions
                $actionMethods = get_class_methods($controller);
                foreach ($actionMethods as $key => $method) {

                    if ($method{0} == '_') {
                // Load the ApplicationController (if there is one)
                App::import('Controller', 'AppController');
                $parentActions = get_class_methods('AppController');
                $controllers[$controller] = array_diff($actionMethods, $parentActions);
        return $controllers;
like image 791
Scrappy Cocco Avatar asked Jan 07 '14 04:01

Scrappy Cocco

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1 Answers

Something like this should do the trick: https://github.com/dereuromark/cakephp-sandbox/blob/master/Plugin/Sandbox/Controller/SandboxAppController.php#L12

It basically uses a very basic PHP function:

$actions = get_class_methods($Controller);

Then get parent methods:

$parentMethods = get_class_methods(get_parent_class($Controller));

Finally, using array_diff you get the actual actions in that controller:

$actions = array_diff($actions, $parentMethods);

Then you can still filter out unwanted actions.

like image 167
mark Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 09:10
