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How do I get a file's directory using the File object?




People also ask

Can a File object represent a directory?

The File object represents the actual file/directory on the disk. Following is the list of constructors to create a File object.

How do I make a File object into a directory?

Creating a new directoryThe mkdir() method of this class creates a directory with the path represented by the current object. Instantiate the File class by passing the path of the directory you need to create, as a parameter (String). Invoke the mkdir() method using the above created file object.

How do I get the directory of a file in Python?

In order to obtain the Current Working Directory in Python, use the os. getcwd() method. This function of the Python OS module returns the string containing the absolute path to the current working directory.

In either case, I'd expect file.getParent() (or file.getParentFile()) to give you what you want.

Additionally, if you want to find out whether the original File does exist and is a directory, then exists() and isDirectory() are what you're after.

File.getParent() from Java Documentation

If you do something like this:

File file = new File("test.txt");
String parent = file.getParent();

parent will be null.

So to get directory of this file you can do next:

parent = file.getAbsoluteFile().getParent();

File API File.getParent or File.getParentFile should return you Directory of file.

Your code should be like :

    File file = new File("c:\\temp\\java\\testfile");
        file = file.getParentFile();

You can additionally check your parent file is directory using File.isDirectory API

    System.out.println("file is directory ");

File filePath=new File("your_file_path");
String dir="";
if (filePath.isDirectory())
    dir=filePath.getAbsolutePath().replaceAll(filePath.getName(), "");

File directory = new File("Enter any 
                directory name or file name");
boolean isDirectory = directory.isDirectory();
if (isDirectory) {
  // It returns true if directory is a directory.
  System.out.println("the name you have entered 
         is a directory  : "  +    directory);  
  //It returns the absolutepath of a directory.
  System.out.println("the path is "  + 
} else {
  // It returns false if directory is a file.
  System.out.println("the name you have
   entered is a file  : " +   directory);
  //It returns the absolute path of a file.
  System.out.println("the path is "  +  