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How do I generate a connection reset programatically?

I'm sure you've seen the "the connection was reset" message displayed when trying to browse web pages. (The text is from Firefox, other browsers differ.)

I need to generate that message/error/condition on demand, to test workarounds.

So, how do I generate that condition programmatically? (How to generate a TCP RST from PHP -- or one of the other web-app languages?)

Caveats and Conditions:

  1. It cannot be a general IP block. The test client must still be able to see the test server when not triggering the condition.

  2. Ideally, it would be done at the web-application level (Python, PHP, Coldfusion, Javascript, etc.). Access to routers is problematic. Access to Apache config is a pain.

  3. Ideally, it would be triggered by fetching a specific web-page.

  4. Bonus if it works on a standard, commercial web host.


Sending RST is not enough to cause this condition. See my partial answer, below.

I've a solution that works on a local machine, Now need to get it working on a remote host.

like image 390
Brock Adams Avatar asked Sep 22 '10 20:09

Brock Adams

People also ask

How do you do a connection reset by peer?

Type “ping” along with the server's address. Execute the command. Run “tracert” and the server address to see if the request is successful. Execute “telnet” and enter the server address to see if the local machine ports are open.

What connection reset means?

Jamie August 31, 2022. A connection reset message can be caused by several situations, but they all mean the same thing—the link between your web browser and the web server you are trying to reach is blocked or not working. You can troubleshoot some of this path but not all of it.

3 Answers

I would recommend doing this via a custom socket via CLI as messing with the apache process could be messy:

#!/usr/bin/php -q

set_time_limit (0);

$sock = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);

socket_bind($sock, '', 8081) or die('Could not bind to address');


$client = socket_accept($sock);
$pid = getmypid();
exec("kill -9 $pid");

This will generate the desired error in Firefox as the connection is closed before read.

If you feel insanely daring, you could throw this into a web script but I wouldn't even venture trying that unless you own the box and know what you're doing admin wise.

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webbiedave Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 10:10


I believe you need to close the low-level socket fairly abruptly. You won't be able to do it from Javascript. For the other languages you'll generally need to get a handle on the underlying socket object and close() it manually.

I also doubt you can do this through Apache since it is Apache and not your application holding the socket. At best your efforts are likely to generate a HTTP 500 error which is not what you're after.

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SpliFF Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 10:10



This script worked well enough to test our connection-reset workaround, so it's a partial answer.

If someone comes up with the full solution that works on a remote host, I'll gladly mark that as the answer.

The following script works every time when running and tested on the same machine. But when running on a remote host, the browser gets the following last 3 packets:

Source     Dest       Protocol  Info
<server>   <client>   TCP       8081 > 1835 [RST] Seq=2 Len=0
<server>   <client>   TCP       8081 > 1835 [RST] Seq=2 Len=0
<server>   <client>   TCP       http > 1834 [ACK] Seq=34 Ack=1 Win=6756 Len=0

As you can see, the RST flag is set and sent. But Firefox fails silently with a blank page -- no messages of any kind.


    $time_lim       = 30;
    $listen_port    = 8081;
       '<h1>Testing generation of a connection reset condition.</h1>
        <p><a target="_blank" href="http://' .$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]. ':' .$listen_port. '/">
        Click here to load page that gets reset. You have ' . $time_lim . ' seconds.</a>
    flush ();
    //-- Warning!  If the script blocks, below, this is not counted against the time limit.
    set_time_limit ($time_lim);

    $socket     = @socket_create_listen ($listen_port);
    if (!$socket) {
        print "Failed to create socket!\n";

    socket_set_nonblock ($socket);  //-- Needed, or else script executes until a client interacts with the socket.

    while (true) {
        //-- Use @ to suppress warnings.  Exception handling didn't work.
        $client = @socket_accept ($socket);
        if ($client)

    /*--- If l_onoff is non-zero and l_linger is zero, all the unsent data will be
        discarded and RST (reset) is sent to the peer in the case of a connection-
        oriented socket.
    $linger     = array ('l_linger' => 0, 'l_onoff' => 1);
    socket_set_option ($socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, $linger);

    //--- If we just close, the Browser gets the RST flag but fails silently (completely blank).
    socket_close ($socket);

    echo "<p>Done.</p>";
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Brock Adams Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 10:10

Brock Adams