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Caching data in PHP




I'm developing a site in PHP which has some complex SQL queries and I would like to implement a caching feature to reduce the load on the database.

I'm just wondering would it be better to write and read HTML directly to a file or perhaps create something like a YAML file with a delimiter to separate records then wrap it in HTML with a function?

My thinking is that this would allow user options (for example, number of records to display) to be applied to the request.

Any advice / suggestions appreciated.


like image 778
Dan Avatar asked Jan 29 '10 09:01


People also ask

Does PHP get cached?

I came to the conclusion that, by default, php files are never EVER pulled from cache, even in mobile browsers, even if in the response there is no Cache-Control nor Expires parameter, even if i don't send POST requests and i just follow a link to the page. They are always redownloaded.

What is caching the data?

Caching Data is a process that stores multiple copies of data or files in a temporary storage location—or cache—so they can be accessed faster.

What is the use of data caching?

A cache's primary purpose is to increase data retrieval performance by reducing the need to access the underlying slower storage layer. Trading off capacity for speed, a cache typically stores a subset of data transiently, in contrast to databases whose data is usually complete and durable.

1 Answers

Use any of these for caching backends:

  • http://php.net/manual/en/book.apc.php
  • http://memcached.org/
  • http://xcache.lighttpd.net/

and use Zend_Cache for a unified interface to them

  • http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.cache.html

Whether to use full page caching or partial caching depends on your specific UseCases. Usually, your application will have a mix of both.

like image 51
Gordon Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 01:11
