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How do I force Kubernetes to re-pull an image?

Kubernetes will pull upon Pod creation if either (see updating-images doc):

  • Using images tagged :latest
  • imagePullPolicy: Always is specified

This is great if you want to always pull. But what if you want to do it on demand: For example, if you want to use some-public-image:latest but only want to pull a newer version manually when you ask for it. You can currently:

  • Set imagePullPolicy to IfNotPresent or Never and pre-pull: Pull manually images on each cluster node so the latest is cached, then do a kubectl rolling-update or similar to restart Pods (ugly easily broken hack!)
  • Temporarily change imagePullPolicy, do a kubectl apply, restart the pod (e.g. kubectl rolling-update), revert imagePullPolicy, redo a kubectl apply (ugly!)
  • Pull and push some-public-image:latest to your private repository and do a kubectl rolling-update (heavy!)

No good solution for on-demand pull. If that changes, please comment; I'll update this answer.

One has to group imagePullPolicy inside the container data instead of inside the spec data. However, I filed an issue about this because I find it odd. Besides, there is no error message.

So, this spec snippet works:

  - name: myapp
    image: myregistry.com/myapp:5c3dda6b
    - containerPort: 80
    imagePullPolicy: Always
    - name: myregistry.com-registry-key

There is a comand to directly do that:

Create a new kubectl rollout restart command that does a rolling restart of a deployment.

The pull request got merged. It is part of the version 1.15 (changelog) or higher.

My hack during development is to change my Deployment manifest to add the latest tag and always pull like so

image: etoews/my-image:latest
imagePullPolicy: Always

Then I delete the pod manually

kubectl delete pod my-app-3498980157-2zxhd

Because it's a Deployment, Kubernetes will automatically recreate the pod and pull the latest image.