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How do I force install XCode 4.1 from the app store?

the app store botched its installation of Xcode 4.1 (it turned claimed it was 4.0 but the app store claimed 4.1 was installed). So I deleted the /Developer folder thinking this would let me reinstall a clean Xcode 4.1.

The app store still thinks Xcode 4.1 is installed and will not download or reinstall any version of Xcode. How do I force install Xcode 4.1?

like image 786
james Avatar asked Jul 24 '11 20:07


People also ask

Why is Xcode not installing on my Mac?

Open the Mac App Store and sign out of it. Cancel the installation/download. Next, quit the Mac App Store and then restart your Mac. Once you're back on your desktop, open the Mac App Store, sign in again, and then download and install the app.

How do I update Xcode on Mac without App Store?

The normal way you upgrade Xcode via direct download is to download the new version, extract it from the XIP, and drag it into Applications. Are you having a problem with that? There is no patch-in-place; you just download the new version. It's generally a few GB.

1 Answers

Just to explain further...

The App Store download had actually worked

What you saw when you looked at Xcode was your old install, because you had not yet run the installer at that point.

Just find the "XCode installer" in your applications folder and run that to complete the install.

It caught me out too.

like image 197
Peter Johnson Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09

Peter Johnson