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How do I export whole Unity project with all scenes?

I want to export my Unity project as a ZIP folder, but I can't. When I click on Asset > Export Packages, only one scene gets exported. I want to export the project so that I can send it.

like image 712
App Avatar asked Dec 14 '16 19:12


2 Answers

You can zip the Assets folder and ProjectSettings folder and ignore all other files and directories.

You don't need Library and Obj folder. They get created automatically.

The project files (.csproj) and similar files also get created automatically.

Alternatively you can export the whole project as a package:

Use Export Package to create your own Custom Package.

  1. Open the project you want to export assets from.

  2. Choose Assets > Export Package… from the menu to bring up the Exporting Package dialog box.

  3. In the dialog box, select the assets you want to include in the package by clicking on the boxes so they are checked.

  4. Leave the include dependencies box checked to auto-select any assets used by the ones you have selected.

  5. Click on Export to bring up File Explorer (Windows) or Finder (Mac) and choose where you want to store your package file. Name and save the package anywhere you like.

like image 164
Bizhan Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 11:11


Just save your scene and project and close unity and simply copy the project folder or make an archive of that main project folder and copy it. (Closing Unity is an important step because all temporary files are deleted which were opened)

And about the file size, yes generally they are bigger if you have used high quality models or textures. You can try building it for a platform like Android or Windows etc. and send that executable build to somebody else (usually smaller file size).

P.S: Have tested it before and works like a charm.

like image 44
Sahir Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 10:11
