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How do I enter data into a form input in an iframe using cypress?

I have been trying to test a stripe checkout form using cypress.io

If anyone has managed to get this to work please let me know. I found a thread on the matter here https://github.com/cypress-io/cypress/issues/136 and based on this I came up with:

      .then($iframe => {
        const iframe = $iframe.contents()
        const myInput0 = iframe.find('input:eq(0)')
        const myInput1 = iframe.find('input:eq(1)')
        const myInput2 = iframe.find('input:eq(2)')
        const myButton = iframe.find('button')

          .invoke('val', 4000056655665556)
          .invoke('val', 112019)

          .invoke('val', 424)

        cy.wrap(myButton).click({ force: true })

But the problem is that the stripe form still does not register the input values. Here is a little gif of what happens http://www.giphy.com/gifs/xT0xeEZ8CmCTVMwOU8. Basically, the form does not register the change input trigger.

Does anyone know how to enter data into a form in an iframe using cypress?

like image 436
Josh Pittman Avatar asked Nov 16 '17 08:11

Josh Pittman

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1 Answers

The following snippet should work for you. I copied/pasted it from @izaacdb's post in this thread.

cy.get('.__PrivateStripeElement > iframe').then($element => {

  const $body = $element.contents().find('body')

  let stripe = cy.wrap($body)
  stripe.find('.Input .InputElement').eq(0).click().type('4242424242424242')
  stripe = cy.wrap($body)
  stripe.find('.Input .InputElement').eq(1).click().type('4242')
  stripe = cy.wrap($body)
  stripe.find('.Input .InputElement').eq(2).click().type('424')

However, in order for the above to work, you need to do the following (copied/pasted from @nerdmax's post from the same thread linked above):

Big Thanks to @Vedelopment @brian-mann !

I tested with react-stripe-checkout component and it works.

Just add some solution details so it may save others some time.

chromeWebSecurity disable:

// cypress.json

  "chromeWebSecurity": false


Check: https://docs.cypress.io/api/plugins/browser-launch-api.html# AND #1951

// /plugins/index.js

module.exports = (on, config) => {
  on("before:browser:launch", (browser = {}, args) => {
    if (browser.name === "chrome") {
      return args;
like image 77
p4t Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 00:10
