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How do I edit a jupyter notebook cell's tags in visual studio code?

I am editing a .ipynb file in Visual Studio Code, with the file open in VS code's Jupyter Notebook editor.

When I edit this notebook in the Jupyter Notebook App (i.e. if I were not using VS code, instead using the interface described here), I could add tags to cells by clicking View > Cell Toolbar > Tags, and then entering tags into the UI that comes up.

Is there an equivalent way to do this in VS Code?

I am aware I can reopen the file in a text editor view and edit the JSON directly. But I am looking for something a bit more user friendly than this.

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ClownsENT Avatar asked Nov 06 '22 00:11


1 Answers

Try installing this jupyter on vs code.

On my old windows 7 I used to use this. It has the same interface as when you open Jupiter in your browser but you don't need to load a bunch of stuff to open jupyter. You can open it in one single click like changing text file while writing code inside vc code.

Also you need to install one library to use it but unfortunately I can't remember the library as I don't use python or Jupiter anymore.

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bartick maiti Avatar answered Dec 03 '22 21:12

bartick maiti