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Vscode : Open file locally using Remote-SSH through integrated terminal

I am using Remote-SSH plugin for remote development and would like to open a file in the existing editor using an integrated terminal (which is running a remote shell). A similar issue was posted on fit repository but it doesn't seem to work now.


Local Machine 1.41.1 26076a4de974ead31f97692a0d32f90d735645c0 Windowsx64

Remote Machine 1.41.0 9579eda04fdb3a9bba2750f15193e5fafe16b959 CentOsx64

Can you help me to debug

like image 659
Ganesh Gore Avatar asked Nov 06 '22 10:11

Ganesh Gore

1 Answers

Copying my answer from https://stackoverflow.com/a/68090934/319542

You shouldn't have to do anything. VSCode automatically sets the path/PATH to the code in the path/PATH environment variable depending on your shell. See this response. You might be overwriting your path/PATH like I was. I was accidentally overwriting path in ~/.cshrc and PATH in ~/.bashrc and was running into the same issue. After fixing it, I can run code on the command line. which code returns the location of the command.

Until I spent time to figure it out, I was using the two methods mentioned below. Both of which worked for me in bash; you can modify it for your shell as you see fit. But really fix your path/PATH rather than using these methods.

  1. Adding location of code to the PATH in ~/.bashrc



  1. Setting alias to code in ~/.bashrc

    alias code="${VSCODE_GIT_ASKPASS_NODE%/*}/bin/code"

More on path vs. PATH here and here

like image 89
Praveen Lobo Avatar answered Dec 19 '22 02:12

Praveen Lobo