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How do I dynamically populate html elements with JSON Data with Javascript not jQuery?

I have this following JSON data snippit:

{"items": [
   "title": "sample 1",
   "author": "author 1"
  "title": "sample 2",
  "author": "author 2"

How do I populate the following html elements with this data:

<div class="news-story">
 <h5>sample 1</h5>
 <p>By: author 1</p>
 <h5>sample 2</h5>
 <p>By: author 2</p>

I want accomplish this with Javascript not jQuery.

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Amen Ra Avatar asked Nov 29 '11 17:11

Amen Ra

Video Answer

2 Answers

var div = document.getElementsByClassName('news-story')[0],
    h5 = div.getElementsByTagName('h5'),
    p = div.getElementsByTagName('p'),
    data = JSON.parse( my_JSON_data );

data.items.forEach(function(v,i) {
    h5[i].innerHTML = v.title;
    p[i].innerHTML = "By: " + v.author;


If you need to support older browsers, you can use a typical for statement instead of the forEach method.

for( var i = 0; i < data.items.length; ++i ) {
    var v = data.items[i];
    h5[i].innerHTML = v.title;
    p[i].innerHTML = "By: " + v.author;

And I'd suggest using an ID instead of a class for the news-story element, so you can use getElementById instead (unless of course you have several of them).

If that's impossible, you may want to use a compatibility function from MDN for getElementsByClassName.

If you needed to create the inner elements, then here's one way:

var div = document.getElementsByClassName('news-story')[0],
    data = JSON.parse( my_JSON_data ),

html = data.items.map(function(v,i) {
    return '<h5>' + v.title + '</h5>' +
           '<p>By: ' + v.author + '</p>';

div.innerHTML = html;


@Xeon06 shows how in his answer using createElement(), which is arguably a better approach.

Here's how I'd do it:

var div = document.getElementsByClassName('news-story')[0],
    frag = document.createDocumentFragment(),
    data = JSON.parse( my_JSON_data );

data.items.forEach(function(v,i) {
    frag.appendChild( document.createElement('h5') ).innerHTML = v.title;
    frag.appendChild( document.createElement('p') ).innerHTML = "By: " + v.author;
div.appendChild( frag );


And of course you can modify it to use a for statement instead:

var div = document.getElementsByClassName('news-story')[0],
    frag = document.createDocumentFragment(),
    data = JSON.parse( my_JSON_data );

for( var i = 0; i < data.items.length; ++i ) {
    var v = data.items[i];
    frag.appendChild( document.createElement('h5') ).innerHTML = v.title;
    frag.appendChild( document.createElement('p') ).innerHTML = "By: " + v.author;
div.appendChild( frag );

The benefit of using a documentFragment is that you can do a single append to the DOM via the fragment instead of multiple appends. This gives better performance, especially if you have a large set of data.

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RightSaidFred Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 04:10


Loop through them and use the DOM functions:

var news = document.getElementsByClassName("news-story")[0];
var items = json.items;
for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
    var h5 = document.createElement("h5");
    h5.innerHTML = items[i].title;
    var p = document.createElement("p");
    p.innerHTML = items[i].author;



getElementsByClassName will not work in versions of IE prior to 9. If you need to support those though, you're really better off using jQuery.

like image 41
Alex Turpin Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 04:10

Alex Turpin