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How do I dump output of an external command to a new buffer in Vim?



:enew lets me create a new buffer and :.!<command> lets me dump the output of an external command to that buffer. Can I combine the two into a one liner?


like image 735
Kevin Avatar asked Sep 29 '10 21:09


2 Answers

'|' is used to chain commands together in vim. so

:enew | .! <command>

should do what you want

like image 163
Matt Briggs Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 19:09

Matt Briggs

:.! actually pipes the current line through the external command, possibly losing the line. You may wish to use :r !<command>—Note the space before the !. I often use :0r !cmd so that the output is inserted at the start of the buffer.

like image 31
bobbogo Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 19:09
