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How do I dump an object's fields to the console?

People also ask

How do you log objects into console?

log(JSON. stringify(obj)) method can be useful for logging the object to the console as string, as long as the data in the object is JSON-safe. For complex objects, the method Object. entries(obj) is a way of looping through an object that can be used to log the object to the console.

What is dump () in C #?

Dumping objects is a great way to visualize values and types while enabling you to easily debug and detect problems at runtime. This is particularly important whenever you don't have access to specific debugging tools.

How do I print an object in console?

Answer: Use console. log() or JSON. stringify() Method This method will print the object in browser console.

How do you print an object data in Dart?

How to Print a dart object to console in Dart. When you are accessing an instance variable of an object, the default toString() method returns the string and returns the Instance of 'Employee'. So, You override the toString() method in a class and print an object.


puts variable.inspect

You might find a use for the methods method which returns an array of methods for an object. It's not the same as print_r, but still useful at times.

>> "Hello".methods.sort
=> ["%", "*", "+", "<", "<<", "<=", "<=>", "==", "===", "=~", ">", ">=", "[]", "[]=", "__id__", "__send__", "all?", "any?", "between?", "capitalize", "capitalize!", "casecmp", "center", "chomp", "chomp!", "chop", "chop!", "class", "clone", "collect", "concat", "count", "crypt", "delete", "delete!", "detect", "display", "downcase", "downcase!", "dump", "dup", "each", "each_byte", "each_line", "each_with_index", "empty?", "entries", "eql?", "equal?", "extend", "find", "find_all", "freeze", "frozen?", "grep", "gsub", "gsub!", "hash", "hex", "id", "include?", "index", "inject", "insert", "inspect", "instance_eval", "instance_of?", "instance_variable_defined?", "instance_variable_get", "instance_variable_set", "instance_variables", "intern", "is_a?", "is_binary_data?", "is_complex_yaml?", "kind_of?", "length", "ljust", "lstrip", "lstrip!", "map", "match", "max", "member?", "method", "methods", "min", "next", "next!", "nil?", "object_id", "oct", "partition", "private_methods", "protected_methods", "public_methods", "reject", "replace", "respond_to?", "reverse", "reverse!", "rindex", "rjust", "rstrip", "rstrip!", "scan", "select", "send", "singleton_methods", "size", "slice", "slice!", "sort", "sort_by", "split", "squeeze", "squeeze!", "strip", "strip!", "sub", "sub!", "succ", "succ!", "sum", "swapcase", "swapcase!", "taguri", "taguri=", "taint", "tainted?", "to_a", "to_f", "to_i", "to_s", "to_str", "to_sym", "to_yaml", "to_yaml_properties", "to_yaml_style", "tr", "tr!", "tr_s", "tr_s!", "type", "unpack", "untaint", "upcase", "upcase!", "upto", "zip"]

The to_yaml method seems to be useful sometimes:

$foo = {:name => "Clem", :age => 43}

puts $foo.to_yaml


:age: 43
:name: Clem

(Does this depend on some YAML module being loaded? Or would that typically be available?)

p object

Ruby doc for p.

p(*args) public

For each object, directly writes obj.inspect followed by a newline to the program’s standard output.

If you're looking for just the instance variables in the object, this might be useful:

obj.instance_variables.each do |var|
  puts [var, obj.instance_variable_get(var).inspect].join(":")

or as a one-liner for copy and pasting:

obj.instance_variables.each{ |var| puts [var, obj.instance_variable_get(var).inspect].join(":")}

puts foo.to_json

might come in handy since the json module is loaded by default

If you want to print an already indented JSON:

require 'json'
puts JSON.pretty_generate(JSON.parse(object.to_json))