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How do I drag a jQuery slider handle from within Capybara and ChromeDriver?

I am able to execute the following code to move the slider handle, but the events triggered in the browser are not taking place.


That correctly sets the right handle to 30, but I need it to behave as if I were actually taking the mouse and dragging the handle to 30 then releasing.

like image 883
Eric M. Avatar asked Jun 03 '12 00:06

Eric M.

2 Answers

resynchronize has been removed from Capybara 2.0 so user853088's answer for Selenium would now look like this:

module CapybaraSeleniumExtension
  def drag_by(right_by, down_by)
    driver.browser.action.drag_and_drop_by(native, right_by, down_by).perform
like image 164
One Giant Leap AB Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 05:10

One Giant Leap AB

I extended capybara dragging before.
It can move elements by a given offset.

You could try

module CapybaraExtension
  def drag_by(right_by, down_by)
    base.drag_by(right_by, down_by)

module CapybaraSeleniumExtension
  def drag_by(right_by, down_by)
    resynchronize { driver.browser.action.drag_and_drop_by(native, right_by, down_by).perform }

::Capybara::Selenium::Node.send :include, CapybaraSeleniumExtension
::Capybara::Node::Element.send :include, CapybaraExtension

And then

page.find('#slider_handicap').drag_by(30, 0)

But it may not suit the slider's scale.

The original are

  • Capybara::Node::Element#drag_to
  • Capybara::Selenium::Node#drag_to
  • Selenium:: WebDriver::ActionBuilder drag_and_drop and drag_and_drop_by

There are a few words of caution.

  • This extension could depend on the type of driver and the version of driver.
  • This kind of test with dragging could lead to difficulty of maintainance.
like image 30
kyamaguchi Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 06:10
