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How do I disable instant syntax error highlighting in Visual Studio 2015

I got Visual Studio 2015 Professional several months ago. One thing that has irked me ever since is how the syntax error checking fires off immediately after typing, whereas in 2013 the error checks only happened after you have moved away from your current line of code.

This is kind of difficult to explain what I mean. Essentially, if I type a quotation mark every single bit of code below that point immediately switches to string and everything highlights as errors. Halfway through creating a variable, Visual Studio is highlighting it saying it is an unused variable.

Is there a way to turn this feature off? I have been poring over every options menu I can find, disabling options one by one and I cannot find a solution. I have also googled ad nauseum and searched for a solution but it is either difficult to search for or nobody else minds. I find this feature highly annoying because the editor is screaming at me before I have even progressed halfway through a line of code.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

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Chris Avatar asked Mar 01 '16 01:03


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Before that make sure that you're in a C++ file. Then, go to the command palette (Ctrl + Shift + P) and search for "error." Click on the "Enable Error Squiggles" option. That's it.

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How to Fix It: If a syntax error appears, check to make sure that the parentheses are matched up correctly. If one end is missing or lined up incorrectly, then type in the correction and check to make sure that the code can be compiled. Keeping the code as organized as possible also helps.

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1 Answers

Ok, maybe this link can help you.


Also You can change colors for that error highlights (cheat your mind), look for the error color and choose one equal to the back color of the editor.


I hope this can help you

like image 179
Mario Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 06:11
