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How do I disable a Pylint specific error message globally?

I'm using Sublime Text editor with Pylint as a Python code parser. It works fine, BUT whenever I define a variable, I receive the following error message (C0103):

Error: invalid constant name.

I read in this topic that one solution could be adding a # pylint: disable-msg=C0103 to the source code, but this solution isn't enough for me because I have a lot of variable definitions and I don't want to polute my code with calls to Pylint. I need to disable error message C0103 for good, globally, in ALL my Python's source files. I must get rid of this message forever. How can I accomplish this?

like image 754
renatov Avatar asked Apr 21 '14 17:04


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1 Answers

pylint --generate-rcfile > ~/.pylintrc

Then add "disable": "C0103" to this file.

like image 60
renatov Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 04:10
