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Catch 404 errors in Asp.net Web API

I am trying to catch 404 errors which are returned by the Asp.net Web API server.

However, Application_Error from inside Global.asax is not catching them.

Is there a way to handle these errors?

like image 920
Catalin Avatar asked Nov 20 '13 14:11


People also ask

How does Web API handle 404 error?

A simple solution is to check for the HTTP status code 404 in the response. If found, you can redirect the control to a page that exists. The following code snippet illustrates how you can write the necessary code in the Configure method of the Startup class to redirect to the home page if a 404 error has occurred.

How does ASP net handle Web API errors?

You can customize how Web API handles exceptions by writing an exception filter. An exception filter is executed when a controller method throws any unhandled exception that is not an HttpResponseException exception.

How do I return an exception from Web API?

Return InternalServerError for Handled Exceptionscs file and locate the Get(int id) method. Add the same three lines within a try... catch block, as shown in Listing 2, to simulate an error. Create two catch blocks: one to handle a DivideByZeroException and one to handle a generic Exception object.

2 Answers

You might want to take a look at Handling HTTP 404 Error in ASP.NET Web API which has a step by step example

like image 82
Code Uniquely Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09

Code Uniquely

I know this is old, but I was also just looking for this, and found a very easy way that seems to work, so thought I'd add incase this can help someone else.

The solution I found, that works for me, is here. Also, this can be mixed with attribute routing (which I use).

So, in my (Owin) Startup class I just add something like..

public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
     HttpConfiguration httpConfig = new HttpConfiguration();   
     //.. other config


     // The I added this to the end as suggested in the linked post
       name: "ResourceNotFound",
         routeTemplate: "{*uri}",
         defaults: new { controller = "Default", uri = RouteParameter.Optional });
    // ...


  // Add the controller and any verbs we want to trap
  public class DefaultController : ApiController
      public IHttpActionResult Get(string uri)
      return this.NotFound();

      public HttpResponseMessage Post(string uri)
        HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "I am not found");
        return response;

Above you can then return any error object (in this example I am just returning a string "I am not found" for my POST.

I tried the xxyyzz (no named controller prefix) as suggested by @Catalin and this worked as well.

like image 37
peterc Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09
