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How do I directly mock a superclass with python mock?




I am using the python mock framework for testing (http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/mock/) and I want to mock out a superclass and focus on testing the subclasses' added behavior.

(For those interested I have extended pymongo.collection.Collection and I want to only test my added behavior. I do not want to have to run mongodb as another process for testing purposes.)

For this discussion, A is the superclass and B is the subclass. Furthermore, I define direct and indirect superclass calls as shown below:

class A(object):
    def method(self):

    def another_method(self):

class B(A):
    def direct_superclass_call(self):

    def indirect_superclass_call(self):
        super(A, self).another_method()

Approach #1

Define a mock class for A called MockA and use mock.patch to substitute it for the test at runtime. This handles direct superclass calls. Then manipulate B.__bases__ to handle indirect superclass calls. (see below)

The issue that arises is that I have to write MockA and in some cases (as in the case for pymongo.collection.Collection) this can involve a lot of work to unravel all of the internal calls to mock out.

Approach #2

The desired approach is to somehow use a mock.Mock() class to handle calls on the the mock just in time, as well as defined return_value or side_effect in place in the test. In this manner, I have to do less work by avoiding the definition of MockA.

The issue that I am having is that I cannot figure out how to alter B.__bases__ so that an instance of mock.Mock() can be put in place as a superclass (I must need to somehow do some direct binding here). Thus far I have determined, that super() examines the MRO and then calls the first class that defines the method in question. I cannot figure out how to get a superclass to handle the check to it and succeed if it comes across a mock class. __getattr__ does not seem to be used in this case. I want super to to think that the method is defined at this point and then use the mock.Mock() functionality as usual.

How does super() discover what attributes are defined within the class in the MRO sequence? And is there a way for me to interject here and to somehow get it to utilize a mock.Mock() on the fly?

import mock

class A(object):
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value      

    def get_value_direct(self):
        return self.value

    def get_value_indirect(self):
        return self.value   

class B(A):
    def __init__(self, value):
        A.__init__(self, value)

    def get_value_direct(self):
        return A.get_value_direct(self)

    def get_value_indirect(self):
        return super(B, self).get_value_indirect()

# approach 1 - use a defined MockA
class MockA(object):
    def __init__(self, value):

    def get_value_direct(self):
        return 0

    def get_value_indirect(self):
        return 0

B.__bases__ = (MockA, )  # - mock superclass 
with mock.patch('__main__.A', MockA):  
    b2 = B(7)
    print '\nApproach 1'
    print 'expected result = 0'
    print 'direct =', b2.get_value_direct()
    print 'indirect =', b2.get_value_indirect()
B.__bases__ = (A, )  # - original superclass 

# approach 2 - use mock module to mock out superclass

# what does XXX need to be below to use mock.Mock()?
#B.__bases__ = (XXX, )
with mock.patch('__main__.A') as mymock:  
    b3 = B(7)
    mymock.get_value_direct.return_value = 0
    mymock.get_value_indirect.return_value = 0
    print '\nApproach 2'
    print 'expected result = 0'
    print 'direct =', b3.get_value_direct()
    print 'indirect =', b3.get_value_indirect() # FAILS HERE as the old superclass is called
#B.__bases__ = (A, )  # - original superclass
like image 608
Rocketman Avatar asked Jun 25 '12 18:06


People also ask

Can we mock a class in Python?

mock is a library for testing in Python. It allows you to replace parts of your system under test with mock objects and make assertions about how they have been used. unittest. mock provides a core Mock class removing the need to create a host of stubs throughout your test suite.

How do you make a mock in Python?

If you want to mock an object for the duration of your entire test function, you can use patch() as a function decorator. These functions are now in their own file, separate from their tests. Next, you'll re-create your tests in a file called tests.py .

How do you use mock exception in Python?

Just assign the exception to side_effect instead: mockedObj. raiseError. side_effect = Exception("Test") . You don't have to no: and his edit has a third way of doing it where he is making a Mock with the side effect set, but its still a valid, and good thing to know how to do in testing.

1 Answers

is there a way for me to interject here and to somehow get it to utilize a mock.Mock() on the fly?

There may be better approaches, but you can always write your own super() and inject it into the module that contains the class you're mocking. Have it return whatever it should based on what's calling it.

You can either just define super() in the current namespace (in which case the redefinition only applies to the current module after the definition), or you can import __builtin__ and apply the redefinition to __builtin__.super, in which case it will apply globally in the Python session.

You can capture the original super function (if you need to call it from your implementation) using a default argument:

def super(type, obj=None, super=super):  
    # inside the function, super refers to the built-in
like image 191
kindall Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 20:10
