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How do I determine the longest similar portion of several strings?

As per the title, I'm trying to find a way to programmatically determine the longest portion of similarity between several strings.


  • file:///home/gms8994/Music/t.A.T.u./
  • file:///home/gms8994/Music/nina%20sky/
  • file:///home/gms8994/Music/A%20Perfect%20Circle/

Ideally, I'd get back file:///home/gms8994/Music/, because that's the longest portion that's common for all 3 strings.

Specifically, I'm looking for a Perl solution, but a solution in any language (or even pseudo-language) would suffice.

From the comments: yes, only at the beginning; but there is the possibility of having some other entry in the list, which would be ignored for this question.

like image 533
Glen Solsberry Avatar asked Feb 01 '09 01:02

Glen Solsberry

People also ask

How do you check for similar strings?

The way to check the similarity between any data point or groups is by calculating the distance between those data points. In textual data as well, we check the similarity between the strings by calculating the distance between one text to another text.

How do you find the common part of two strings?

For every character in string 1 we increment vector index of that character eg: v[s1[i]-'a']++, for every character of string 2 we check vector for the common characters if v[s2[i]-'a'] > 0 then set flag = true and v[s2[i]-'a']– such that one character of string 2 is compared with only one character of string 1.

What is a time complexity for finding the longest substring that is common?

To check if a substring is present in a string of a length of n, the time complexity for such operation is found to be O (n). The time complexity for finding the longest substring that is common in string S1 and S2 is Ɵ (n1 + n2).

How do you find the longest common substring in a list Python?

def get_longest_common_subseq(data): substr = [] if len(data) > 1 and len(data[0]) > 0: for i in range(len(data[0])): for j in range(len(data[0])-i+1): if j > len(substr) and is_subseq_of_any(data[0][i:i+j], data): substr = data[0][i:i+j] return substr def is_subseq_of_any(find, data): if len(data) < 1 and len(find) < ...

2 Answers

Edit: I'm sorry for mistake. My pity that I overseen that using my variable inside countit(x, q{}) is big mistake. This string is evaluated inside Benchmark module and @str was empty there. This solution is not as fast as I presented. See correction below. I'm sorry again.

Perl can be fast:

use strict;
use warnings;

package LCP;

sub LCP {
    return '' unless @_;
    return $_[0] if @_ == 1;
    my $i          = 0;
    my $first      = shift;
    my $min_length = length($first);
    foreach (@_) {
        $min_length = length($_) if length($_) < $min_length;
INDEX: foreach my $ch ( split //, $first ) {
        last INDEX unless $i < $min_length;
        foreach my $string (@_) {
            last INDEX if substr($string, $i, 1) ne $ch;
    continue { $i++ }
    return substr $first, 0, $i;

# Roy's implementation
sub LCP2 {
    return '' unless @_;
    my $prefix = shift;
    for (@_) {
        chop $prefix while (! /^\Q$prefix\E/);
    return $prefix;


Test suite:

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;


package Test::LCP;

use base 'Test::Class';
use Test::More;
use Benchmark qw(:all :hireswallclock);

sub test_use : Test(startup => 1) {

sub test_lcp : Test(6) {
    is( LCP::LCP(),      '',    'Without parameters' );
    is( LCP::LCP('abc'), 'abc', 'One parameter' );
    is( LCP::LCP( 'abc', 'xyz' ), '', 'None of common prefix' );
    is( LCP::LCP( 'abcdefgh', ('abcdefgh') x 15, 'abcdxyz' ),
        'abcd', 'Some common prefix' );
    my @str = map { chomp; $_ } <DATA>;
    is( LCP::LCP(@str),
        'file:///home/gms8994/Music/', 'Test data prefix' );
    is( LCP::LCP2(@str),
        'file:///home/gms8994/Music/', 'Test data prefix by LCP2' );
    my $t = countit( 1, sub{LCP::LCP(@str)} );
    diag("LCP: ${\($t->iters)} iterations took ${\(timestr($t))}");
    $t = countit( 1, sub{LCP::LCP2(@str)} );
    diag("LCP2: ${\($t->iters)} iterations took ${\(timestr($t))}");


Test suite result:

ok 1 - use LCP;
ok 2 - Without parameters
ok 3 - One parameter
ok 4 - None of common prefix
ok 5 - Some common prefix
ok 6 - Test data prefix
ok 7 - Test data prefix by LCP2
# LCP: 22635 iterations took 1.09948 wallclock secs ( 1.09 usr +  0.00 sys =  1.09 CPU) @ 20766.06/s (n=22635)
# LCP2: 17919 iterations took 1.06787 wallclock secs ( 1.07 usr +  0.00 sys =  1.07 CPU) @ 16746.73/s (n=17919)

That means that pure Perl solution using substr is about 20% faster than Roy's solution at your test case and one prefix finding takes about 50us. There is not necessary using XS unless your data or performance expectations are bigger.

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Hynek -Pichi- Vychodil Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 21:11

Hynek -Pichi- Vychodil

The reference given already by Brett Daniel for the Wikipedia entry on "Longest common substring problem" is very good general reference (with pseudocode) for your question as stated. However, the algorithm can be exponential. And it looks like you might actually want an algorithm for longest common prefix which is a much simpler algorithm.

Here's the one I use for longest common prefix (and a ref to original URL):

use strict; use warnings;
sub longest_common_prefix {
    # longest_common_prefix( $|@ ): returns $
    # URLref: http://linux.seindal.dk/2005/09/09/longest-common-prefix-in-perl
    # find longest common prefix of scalar list
    my $prefix = shift;
    for (@_) {
        chop $prefix while (! /^\Q$prefix\E/);
    return $prefix;

my @str = map {chomp; $_} <DATA>;
print longest_common_prefix(@ARGV), "\n";

If you truly want a LCSS implementation, refer to these discussions (Longest Common Substring and Longest Common Subsequence) at PerlMonks.org. Tree::Suffix would probably be the best general solution for you and implements, to my knowledge, the best algorithm. Unfortunately recent builds are broken. But, a working subroutine does exist within the discussions referenced on PerlMonks in this post by Limbic~Region (reproduced here with your data).

#URLref: http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=549876
#by Limbic~Region
use Algorithm::Loops 'NestedLoops';
use List::Util 'reduce';

use strict; use warnings;

sub LCS{
    my @str = @_;
    my @pos;
    for my $i (0 .. $#str) {
        my $line = $str[$i];
        for (0 .. length($line) - 1) {
            my $char= substr($line, $_, 1);
            push @{$pos[$i]{$char}}, $_;
    my $sh_str = reduce {length($a) < length($b) ? $a : $b} @str;
    my %map;
    for my $char (split //, $sh_str) {
        my @loop;
        for (0 .. $#pos) {
            next CHAR if ! $pos[$_]{$char};
            push @loop, $pos[$_]{$char};
        my $next = NestedLoops([@loop]);
        while (my @char_map = $next->()) {
            my $key = join '-', @char_map;
            $map{$key} = $char;
    my @pile;
    for my $seq (keys %map) {
        push @pile, $map{$seq};
        for (1 .. 2) {
            my $dir = $_ % 2 ? 1 : -1;
            my @offset = split /-/, $seq;
            $_ += $dir for @offset;
            my $next = join '-', @offset;
            while (exists $map{$next}) {
                $pile[-1] = $dir > 0 ?
                    $pile[-1] . $map{$next} : $map{$next} . $pile[-1];
                $_ += $dir for @offset;
                $next = join '-', @offset;
    return reduce {length($a) > length($b) ? $a : $b} @pile;

my @str = map {chomp; $_} <DATA>;
print LCS(@str), "\n";
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rivy Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 20:11
