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How do i determine if an error is in any cell in the entire workbook with Excel VBA




Q: How do i determine if an error is in any cell in the entire workbook with Excel VBA?

Normally errors will be divide by 0 or #value errors, but this list is not exhaustive (or is it? - i don't know if more exist)

Is there a way to determine if a cell contains an error then to skip over further processing in my script without spitting out a debug/warning/error message.

something such like

          if value in current.Workbook.cell is error then go to <jump>
          if value in old.Workbook.cell is error then go to <jump>

where jump is a marker at the end of an if statement but within a loop.

the script compares values between two workbooks and updates the current workbook with colours to show difference.

I have no VBA experience at all. but i get the gist of the script i have been given.

thank you kindly.

like image 913
Mat Avatar asked Nov 22 '11 17:11


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1 Answers

You can skip cells with errors by using the VarType function. For example:

If VarType(ActiveCell.Value) <> vbError Then
    ' do something
End If

The VarType function is also very useful to validate the data type. For example if your code expects a date value but sometimes encounters text, you can use this function to vet the data and handle exceptions gracefully.

like image 108
Rachel Hettinger Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 22:09

Rachel Hettinger