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How do I determine if an application is built by Electron or not?



How do I determine if an application is built by Electron or not?

Could I always find specific file or binary on Electron apps?

Please give me some advice, thanks.

like image 728
Sing Avatar asked Feb 20 '17 10:02


People also ask

How do you know if an application is an electron?

If you see an app. asar file, or something similar with the . asar suffix, it is most likely an Electron App. Windows: Open up the program files directory of the application you are wondering about, and check the file folder for any file with .

When should I use electron?

Electron allows you to use JavaScript on the front end, just like a normal website. It also lets you use Node. js for accessing files and other system-related operations. Because Electron allows you to use JavaScript for everything, it has become popular as a way to make JavaScript desktop apps.

Is electron still used?

It is officially maintained by Github but has a very active community behind it. Today, some of the most popular desktop apps (many you probably use) are entirely written in Electron such as Atom, Visual Studio Code, Slack, Microsoft Teams, Github Desktop, Whatsapp Desktop, Figma Desktop, and much more.

Should electron assume how apps handle different environments?

I don't think Electron should assume anything about how apps handle different environments, apps may have more than one development environment and/or more than one production environment. Sorry, something went wrong.

How do I detect if an electron app is running?

Electron should provide an intuitive way for users to detect (from any process) whether or not their app is running in a packaged state. Electron has a property called process.defaultApp which is set to true when running Electron with a target directory, e.g. electron ..

How does the Electron framework find script work?

The overall process of the script is that it runs a find for every .app directory. For each match, it checks if a Electron Framework.framework file exists. If it does, we found an app that uses Electron. Interestingly I found that the find runs really slow without the -maxdepth option (using -depth didn’t help, had to be maxdepth ).

How do I know when I'm inside electron or the browser?

Fortunately, to know when you're inside Electron or the Browser is pretty easy and we'll show you how to achieve it in this article. The isElectron module is a tiny utility that allows you to know when you are inside the Electron platform or a common browser.

1 Answers


To find all Electron apps by finding the .asar file on your mac, use this.

  1. open Terminal
  2. run this command
    find /Applications -name '*.asar' -print
like image 92
Volker Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 21:09
