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How to detect that the Electron app is running for the first time?

I'm developing an App using the latest version of Electron-builder (using AutoUpadate).

Is there any way to know that the App is running for the first time after installation?

Ps: I have tried using electron-config but the user data files are not deleted after uninstall, and I needed to do some things with every installation (even if it's on the same machine).

like image 664
Marcelo Romao Avatar asked Apr 30 '17 21:04

Marcelo Romao

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1 Answers

Check for the squirrel-firstrun flag:

var cmd = process.argv[1];

if (cmd == '--squirrel-firstrun') {
    // Running for the first time.

(you don't need to install anything for this to work)


like image 147
Joshua Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 08:09
