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How do I delete my public cocoa pods



I have created a couple test cocoa pods that are public I need to delete these not just from my computer but from the public pod list? Is there a way to remove the trunk?

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John Dutchak Avatar asked Apr 13 '15 11:04

John Dutchak

People also ask

How do you remove cocoa pods?

Just rm -rf that pod's folder, and remove the line from the Podfile. Then run pod install again.

Can I delete CocoaPods cache?

Having many instances of same pod in the pod cache can be troublesome when the pod is large, one of the pod currently in use has size of >1.5 GB in a project that is using cocoapods1. 3.1 with Xcode9 . Just delete it from your pod file and update.

1 Answers

In order to complete the @Keith Smiley's response, please find some other important details below:

Can I submit a pull request if...

Q: I want to update my Pod to a new version?

A: No, this is no longer the appropriate way to update your Pod. Pod updates must be uploaded using pod trunk push [NAME.podspec].

Q: I made a mistake in a Podspec I've just pushed?

A: No. The quickest way to get this fixed is to edit your .podspec, bump the version number and pod trunk push [NAME.podspec].

Q: I've deleted this Pod?

A: People are relying on your library, you should apply the deprecated flag via a pull request to all versions of your library. Removal of Podspecs should be avoided as much as possible. This is to ensure systems built around the CocoaPods ecosystem are kept in sync.

Q: No one needs that pod, or is going to ever download it... why can't I just delete it?

A: Our policy is to only perma-delete pods that really need it, such as Pods that may contain passwords, malicious/harmful code, etc. Deprecating a pod effectively removes it from being found and will do the trick in 99% percent of situations.

Q: But what if..

A: Chances are, no.

(Sources of this answer: link 1, link 2)

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King-Wizard Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 10:09
