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How do I delete an item or object from an array using ng-click?

To remove item you need to remove it from array and can pass bday item to your remove function in markup. Then in controller look up the index of item and remove from array

<a class="btn" ng-click="remove(item)">Delete</a>

Then in controller:

$scope.remove = function(item) { 
  var index = $scope.bdays.indexOf(item);
  $scope.bdays.splice(index, 1);     

Angular will automatically detect the change to the bdays array and do the update of ng-repeat

DEMO: http://plnkr.co/edit/ZdShIA?p=preview

EDIT: If doing live updates with server would use a service you create using $resource to manage the array updates at same time it updates server

This is a correct answer:

<a class="btn" ng-click="remove($index)">Delete</a>

In @charlietfl's answer. I think it's wrong since you pass $index as paramter but you use the wish instead in controller. Correct me if I'm wrong :)

In case you're inside an ng-repeat

you could use a one liner option

    <div ng-repeat="key in keywords"> 
        <button ng-click="keywords.splice($index, 1)">


$index is used by angular to show current index of the array inside ng-repeat

Using $index works perfectly well in basic cases, and @charlietfl's answer is great. But sometimes, $index isn't enough.

Imagine you have a single array, which you're presenting in two different ng-repeat's. One of those ng-repeat's is filtered for objects that have a truthy property, and the other is filtered for a falsy property. Two different filtered arrays are being presented, which derive from a single original array. (Or, if it helps to visualize: perhaps you have a single array of people, and you want one ng-repeat for the women in that array, and another for the men in that same array.) Your goal: delete reliably from the original array, using information from the members of the filtered arrays.

In each of those filtered arrays, $index won't be the index of the item within the original array. It'll be the index in the filtered sub-array. So, you won't be able to tell the person's index in the original people array, you'll only know the $index from the women or men sub-array. Try to delete using that, and you'll have items disappearing from everywhere except where you wanted. What to do?

If you're lucky enough be using a data model includes a unique identifier for each object, then use that instead of $index, to find the object and splice it out of the main array. (Use my example below, but with that unique identifier.) But if you're not so lucky?

Angular actually augments each item in an ng-repeated array (in the main, original array) with a unique property called $$hashKey. You can search the original array for a match on the $$hashKey of the item you want to delete, and get rid of it that way.

Note that $$hashKey is an implementation detail, not included in the published API for ng-repeat. They could remove support for that property at any time. But probably not. :-)

$scope.deleteFilteredItem = function(hashKey, sourceArray){
  angular.forEach(sourceArray, function(obj, index){
    // sourceArray is a reference to the original array passed to ng-repeat, 
    // rather than the filtered version. 
    // 1. compare the target object's hashKey to the current member of the iterable:
    if (obj.$$hashKey === hashKey) {
      // remove the matching item from the array
      sourceArray.splice(index, 1);
      // and exit the loop right away

Invoke with:

ng-click="deleteFilteredItem(item.$$hashKey, refToSourceArray)"

EDIT: Using a function like this, which keys on the $$hashKey instead of a model-specific property name, also has the significant added advantage of making this function reusable across different models and contexts. Provide it with your array reference, and your item reference, and it should just work.

I usually write in such style :

<a class="btn" ng-click="remove($index)">Delete</a>

$scope.remove = function(index){
  $scope.[yourArray].splice(index, 1)

Hope this will help You have to use a dot(.) between $scope and [yourArray]

Building on the accepted answer, this will work with ngRepeat, filterand handle expections better:


vm.remove = function(item, array) {
  var index = array.indexOf(item);
    array.splice(index, 1);

