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How do I delete all messages from a single queue using the CLI?



People also ask

How do I delete all messages in my queue?

Click the Queue tab and go to the bottom of the page. You will find a dropdown "Delete / Purge" there. Press Purge to the right to empty the queue.

Which command is used to delete all the messages from a queue or topic?

If you use the CLEAR command, all of the messages are cleared from the queue.

How do you delete a specific message in RabbitMQ queue?

Store all message in Database (and empty queue) For the messages, you want to delete you can simply ignore them in the consumer, or of course delete them from the database, as you can use queries to do that!

you can directly run this command

sudo rabbitmqctl purge_queue queue_name

rabbitmqadmin is the perfect tool for this

rabbitmqadmin purge queue name=name_of_the_queue_to_be_purged

RabbitMQ has 2 things under queue

  1. Delete
  2. Purge

Delete - will delete the queue

Purge - This will empty the queue (meaning removes messages from the queue but queue still exists)

To purge queue you can use following command (more information in API doc):

curl -i -u guest:guest -XDELETE http://localhost:15672/api/queues/vhost_name/queue_name/contents

RabbitMQ implements the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) so you can use generic tools for stuff like this.

On Debian/Ubuntu or similar system, do:

sudo apt-get install amqp-tools
amqp-delete-queue -q celery  # where celery is the name of the queue to delete

IMPORTANT NOTE: This will delete all users and config.



I don't suggest this answer until unless you want to delete data from all of the queues, including users and configs. Just Reset it !!!

rabbitmqctl stop_app
rabbitmqctl reset
rabbitmqctl start_app

I guess its late but for others reference, this can be done with pika

import pika
host_ip = #host ip
channel = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters(host_ip,
print "deleting queue..", channel.queue_delete(queue=queue_name)