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How do I debug a memory issue in Rust?

I hope this question isn't too open-ended. I ran into a memory issue with Rust, where I got an "out of memory" from calling next on an Iterator trait object. I'm unsure how to debug it. Prints have only brought me to the point where the failure occurs. I'm not very familiar with other tools such as ltrace, so although I could create a trace (231MiB, pff), I didn't really know what to do with it. Is a trace like that useful? Would I do better to grab gdb/lldb? Or Valgrind?

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Apanatshka Avatar asked Jul 07 '16 20:07


1 Answers

In general I would try to do the following approach:

  1. Boilerplate reduction: Try to narrow down the problem of the OOM, so that you don't have too much additional code around. In other words: the quicker your program crashes, the better. Sometimes it is also possible to rip out a specific piece of code and put it into an extra binary, just for the investigation.

  2. Problem size reduction: Lower the problem from OOM to a simple "too much memory" so that you can actually tell the some part wastes something but that it does not lead to an OOM. If it is too hard to tell wether you see the issue or not, you can lower the memory limit. On Linux, this can be done using ulimit:

    ulimit -Sv 500000  # that's 500MB
    ./path/to/exe --foo
  3. Information gathering: If you problem is small enough, you are ready to collect information which has a lower noise level. There are multiple ways which you can try. Just remember to compile your program with debug symbols. Also it might be an advantage to turn off optimization since this usually leads to information loss. Both can be archived by NOT using the --release flag during compilation.

    • Heap profiling: One way is too use gperftools:

      LD_PRELOAD="/usr/lib/libtcmalloc.so" HEAPPROFILE=/tmp/profile ./path/to/exe --foo
      pprof --gv ./path/to/exe /tmp/profile/profile.0100.heap

      This shows you a graph which symbolizes which parts of your program eat which amount of memory. See official docs for more details.

    • rr: Sometimes it's very hard to figure out what is actually happening, especially after you created a profile. Assuming you did a good job in step 2, you can use rr:

      rr record ./path/to/exe --foo
      rr replay

      This will spawn a GDB with superpowers. The difference to a normal debug session is that you can not only continue but also reverse-continue. Basically your program is executed from a recording where you can jump back and forth as you want. This wiki page provides you some additional examples. One thing to point out is that rr only seems to work with GDB.

    • Good old debugging: Sometimes you get traces and recordings that are still way too large. In that case you can (in combination with the ulimit trick) just use GDB and wait until the program crashes:

      gdb --args ./path/to/exe --foo

      You now should get a normal debugging session where you can examine what the current state of the program was. GDB can also be launched with coredumps. The general problem with that approach is that you cannot go back in time and you cannot continue with execution. So you only see the current state including all stack frames and variables. Here you could also use LLDB if you want.

  4. (Potential) fix + repeat: After you have a glue what might go wrong you can try to change your code. Then try again. If it's still not working, go back to step 3 and try again.

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Marco Neumann Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 14:09

Marco Neumann